Selected List of Publications: K.-H. Kampert

(Refereed Articles and Selected Proceedings to Conferences)

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986

Inference of the Mass Composition of Cosmic Rays with energies from 1018.5 to 1020 eV using the Pierre Auger Observatory and Deep Learning

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134 (2025) 2, 021001; arXiv:2406.06315

Simulating radio emission from particle cascades with CORSIKA 8

J.M. Alameddine, J. Albrecht, J. Ammerman-Yebra, L. Arrabito, A.A. Alves Jr., D. Baack, A. Coleman, H. Dembinski, D. Elsässer, R. Engel, A. Faure, A. Ferrari, C. Gaudu, C. Glaser, M. Gottowik, D. Heck, T. Huege, K.H. Kampert, N. Karastathis, L. Nellen, T. Pierog, R. Prechelt, M. Reininghaus, W. Rhode, F. Riehn, M. Sackel, P. Sampathkumar, A. Sandrock, J. Soedingrekso, R. Ulrich
Astroparticle Physics 166 (2025) 103072 arXiv:2409.15999

The flux of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays along the supergalactic plane measured at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
submitted for publication; arXiv:2407.06874

Impact of the Magnetic Horizon on the Interpretation of the Pierre Auger Observatory Spectrum and Composition Data

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 07 (2024) 094; arXiv:2404.03533

Search for photons above 1018 eV by simultaneously measuring the atmospheric depth and the muon content of air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 6, 062005; arXiv:2406.07439

Measurement of the Depth of Maximum of Air-Shower Profiles with energies between 1018.5 and 1020 eV using the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory and Deep Learning

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 111 (2025) 2, 022003; arXiv:2406.06319

Search for photons above 1018 eV by simultaneously measuring the atmospheric depth and the muon content of air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
subm. to Phys. Rev. D (2024); arXiv:2406.07439

Flow and Equation of State of nuclear matter at Ekin/A=0.25-1.5 GeV with the SMASH transport approach

L.A. Tarasovicova, J. Mohs, A. Andronic, H. Elfner, and K.-H. Kampert
Eur. Phys. J. A 60, 232 (2024); arXiv:2405.09889

Improvements in charged lepton and photon propagation for the software PROPOSAL

Jean-Marco Alameddine, Johannes Albrecht, Hans Dembinski, Pascal Gutjahr, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Wolfgang Rhode, Maximilian Sackel, Alexander Sandrock, Jan Soedingrekso
Computer Physics Communications 302 (2024) 109243; arXiv:2311.13357

Modified Temperature-Redshift Relation and Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Ray Propagation

J. Meinert, L. Morejon, A. Sandrock, B. Eichmann, J. Kreidelmeyer and K.H. Kampert
Astrophys. J. 967 (2024) 2, 154; arXiv:2309.08541

Testing Hadronic-Model Predictions of Depth of Maximum of Air-Shower Profiles and Ground-Particle Signals using Hybrid Data of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 109, 102001 (2024); arXiv:2401.10740

Constraints on metastable superheavy dark matter coupled to sterile neutrinos with the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 109 (2024) L081101; arXiv:2311.14541

Constraining models for the origin of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with a novel combined analysis of arrival directions, spectrum, and composition data measured at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP01 (2024) 022; arXiv:2305.16693

Demonstrating Agreement between Radio and Fluorescence Measurements of the Depth of Maximum of Extensive Air Showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (2024) 021001; arXiv:2310.19963

Ground observations of a space laser for the assessment of its in-orbit performance

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Optica 11 (2024) 263 ; arXiv:2310.08616

Radio Measurements of the Depth of Air-Shower Maximum at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 109 (2024) 022002; arXiv:2310.19966


The Pierre Auger Observatory Open Data

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)

Inclusive e+e- production in collisions of pions with protons and nuclei in the second resonance region of baryons

A. Abdou Yassine et al. (HADES Collaboration)
submitted for publ.; arXiv:2309.13357

Inclusive e+e- production in collisions of pions with protons and nuclei in the second resonance region of baryons

A. Abdou Yassine et al. (HADES Collaboration)
submitted for publ.; arXiv:2301.03940

Hadron Production and Propagation in Pion-Induced Reactions on Nuclei

R. Abou Yassine, et al. (HADES Collaboration)
subm. for publication; arXiv:2301.03940

AugerPrime Surface Detector Electronics

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 18 (2023) P10016; arXiv:2209.05926

Constraining the sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays across and above the ankle with the spectrum and composition data measured at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 05 (2023) 024; arXiv:2211.02857

Search for photons above 1019 eV with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP05 (2023) 021; arXiv:2209.05926

Search for UHE Photons from Gravitational Wave Sources with the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
The Astrophysical Journal (2023); arXiv:2307.10839

Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays: The Intersection of the Cosmic and Energy Frontiers

A. Coleman et al. (Snowmass White Paper)
Astropart. Phys. 47 (2023) 102794; arXiv:2205.05845

A Catalog of the Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays Recorded During Phase I of Operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Abdul Halim et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 264:50 (2023); arXiv:2211.16020

The impact of a modified CMB photon density on UHECR propagation

J. Meinert, L. Morejon, A. Sandrock, B. Eichmann, J. Kreidelmeyer and K.H. Kampert
ICRC2023 PoS 444 (2023) 322

Implementing hadronic interactions in CRPropa to study bursting sources of UHECRs

L. Morejon and K.H. Kampert
ICRC2023 PoS 444 (2023) 285

Propagation of Ultra High-Energy Cosmic Rays in light of the latest EBL constraints

L. Morejon, A. Condorelli, J. Biteau and K.H. Kampert
ICRC2023 PoS 444 (2023) 283

Cosmological implications of photon-flux upper limits at ultra-high energies in scenarios of Planckian-interacting massive particles for dark matter

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 107, 042002 (2023); arXiv:2208.02353

Limits to gauge coupling in the dark sector set by the non-observation of instanton-induced decay of Super-Heavy Dark Matter in the Pierre Auger Observatory data

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130 (2023) 061001; arXiv:2203.08854


Radiation hardness of Hamamatsu H12700/H8500 MAPMTs, entrance glass windows, and p-terphenyl wavelength shifting coating under neutron and 60Co gamma irradiation

C. Pauly, T. Mahmoud, M. Dürr, J. Eschke, J. Förtsch, J. Heep, D. Pfeifer, C. Höhne, K.-H. Kampert
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A1040 (2022) 167177

Search for photons above 1019 eV with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ 933:125 (2022); arXiv:2209.05926

Searches for Ultra-High-Energy Photons at the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Universe 8 (2022) 579; arXiv:2210.12959

CRPropa 3.2 -- an advanced framework for high-energy particle propagation in extragalactic and galactic spaces

Rafael Alves Batista, Julia Becker Tjus, Julien Dörner, Andrej Dundovic, Björn Eichmann, Antonius Frie, Christopher Heiter, Mario R. Hoerbe, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Lukas Merten, Gero Müller, Patrick Reichherzer, Andrey Saveliev, Leander Schlegel, Günter Sigl, Arjen van Vliet, Tobias Winchen
JCAP 09 (2022) 035; arXiv:2208.00107

Search for Spatial Correlations of Neutrinos with Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays

A. Albert et al. (ANTARES, IceCube, and Pierre Auger Collaborations),
ApJ 934:164 (2022); arXiv:2201.07313

A search for photons with energies above 2x1017 eV eV using hybrid data from the low-energy extensions of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ 933:125 (2022); arXiv:2205.14864

The Muon Puzzle in cosmic-ray induced air showers and its connection to the Large Hadron Collider

Johannes Albrecht, Lorenzo Cazon, Hans Dembinski, Anatoli Fedynitch, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Tanguy Pierog, Wolfgang Rhode, Dennis Soldin, Bernhard Spaan, Ralf Ulrich, and Michael Unger,
Astrophys. Space Sci. 367, 27 (2022); arXiv:2105.06148

Propagation of extragalactic cosmic rays in the Galactic magnetic field

Alex Kääpä, Karl-Heinz Kampert, and Eric Mayotte
PoS EPS-HEP2021 (2022) 088

Testing effects of Lorentz invariance violation in the propagation of astroparticles with the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration),
JCAP 01 (2022) 01, 023; arXiv:2112.06773

Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era - A review

A. Addazi et al.,
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 103948 (2022); arXiv:2111.05659


Production and electromagnetic decay of hyperons: a feasibility study with HADES as a phase-0 experiment at FAIR

J. Adamczewski-Musch et al. (HADES and PANDA@HADES Collaborations)
E. Phys. J A (2021) 57:138; arXiv:2010.06961

The energy spectrum of cosmic rays beyond the turn-down around 1017 eV as measured with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
E. Phys. J (2021) 81:966; arXiv:2109.13400

The FRAM robotic telescope for atmospheric monitoring at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 16 (2021) 06, P06027; arXiv:2101.11602

Design and implementation of the AMIGA embedded system for data acquisition

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 16 T07008 (2021); arXiv:2101.11747

The effects of the GMF on the transition from Galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays

Alex Kääpä, Karl-Heinz Kampert, and Eric Mayotte
PoS (ICRC2021) 204

Development of bases and qualification tests of Photomultiplier Tubes for the AugerPrime scintillation detectors

K.-H. Becker, U. Grosse-Rhode, K.-H. Kampert, S. Keller, C. Pauly, J. Pawlowsky, D. Pfeifer, J. Rautenberg, S. Strotmann, R. Uzeiroska, N. Weimer, M. Wenning
PoS (ICRC2021) 265

CRPropa 3.2: a framework for high-energy astroparticle propagation

R.A. Batista, J. Becker Tjus, J. Dörner, A. Dundovic, B. Eichmann, A. Frie, C. Heiter, M.R. Hoerbe, K.-H. Kampert, L. Merten, G. Müller, P. Reichherzer, A. Saveliev, L. Schlegel, G. Sigl, A. van Vliet, T. Winchen
PoS (ICRC2021) 978; arXiv:2107.01631

Deep-learning based reconstruction of the shower maximum Xmax using the water-Cherenkov detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 16 (2021) 07 P07019; arXiv:2101.02946

Measurement of the fluctuations in the number of muons in extensive air showers with the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 152002(2021); arXiv:2102.07797

Extraction of the Muon Signals Recorded with the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory Using Recurrent Neural Networks

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 16 (2021) 07 P07016; arXiv:2103.11983

Final results of the LOPES radio interferometer for cosmic-ray air showers

W.D. Apel et al. (LOPES Collaboration)
Eur. Phys. J. C81 (2021) 176; arXiv:2102.03928

Calibration of the underground muon detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 16 (2021) 04 P07003; arXiv:2012.08016

Design, upgrade and characterization of the silicon photomultiplier front-end for the AMIGA detector at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 16 (2021) 01 P07026; arXiv:2011.06633


A Search for Ultra-high-energy Neutrinos from TXS 0506+056 Using the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ 902, 105 (2020); arXiv:2010.10953

Features of the energy spectrum of cosmic rays above 2.5x10^18 eV using the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Physical Review Letters 125, 121106 (2020); arXiv:2008.06488; Editors suggestion/Viewpoint

Measurement of the cosmic-ray energy spectrum above 2.5x10^18 eV using the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Physical Review D 102, 062005 (2020); arXiv:2008.06486; Editors suggestion/Viewpoint

Reconstruction of events recorded with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 15 (2020) P10021; arXiv:2007.09035

Studies on the response of a water-Cherenkov detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory to atmospheric muons using an RPC hodoscope

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 15 (2020) P09002; arXiv:2007.04139

Search for magnetically-induced signatures in the arrival directions of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays measured at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 06 (2020) 017; arXiv:2004.10591

A 3-Year Sample of Almost 1,600 Elves Recorded Above South America by the Pierre Auger Cosmic-Ray Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Earth and Space Sciences 7 (2020) 1

Cosmic-ray anisotropies in right ascension measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ 891 (2020) 142 ; arXiv:2002.06172


Limits on point-like sources of ultra-high-energy neutrinos with the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 11 (2019) 004; arXiv:1906.07419

Data-driven estimation of the invisible energy of cosmic ray showers with the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D100 (2019) 082003 ; arXiv:1901.08040

Probing the origin of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with neutrinos in the EeV energy range using the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 10 (2019) 022; arXiv:1906.07422

Multi-Messenger Physics With the Pierre Auger Observatory

Karl-Heinz Kampert, Miguel Alejandro Mostafa, Enrique Zas, and The Pierre Auger Collaboration
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 6:24 (2019) ; arXiv:arXiv:1904.11918

Open Questions in Cosmic-Ray Research at Ultrahigh Energies

Rafael Alves Batista, Jonathan Biteau, Mauricio Bustamante, Klaus Dolag, Ralph Engel, Ke Fang, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Dmitriy Kostunin, Miguel Mostafa, Kohta Murase, Foteini Oikonomou, Angela V. Olinto, Guenter Sigl, Mikhail I. Panasyuk, Andrew Taylor, and Michael Unger
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science 6:23 (2019); arXiv:1903.06714

Measurement of the average shape of longitudinal profiles of cosmic-ray air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 03 (2019) 018; arXiv:1811.04660

On the flux of high-energy cosmogenic neutrinos and the influence of the extragalactic magnetic field

David Wittkowski, Karl-Heinz Kampert
MNRAS 488 (2019) L119; arXiv:1810.03769

Search for Large-scale Anisotropy in the Arrival Direction of Cosmic Rays with KASCADE-Grande

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
ApJ 870 (2019) 91


The KASCADE Cosmic-ray Data Centre KCDC: Granting Open Access to Astroparticle Physics Research Data

A. Haungs et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration),
Eur. Phys. J. C78 (2018) no.9, 741; arXiv:1806.05493

James W. Cronin: Raising the Profile of Physics Worldwide

Karl-Heinz Kampert
JPS Conf.Proc. 19 (2018) 011001

Large-scale cosmic-ray anisotropies above 4 EeV measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ 868 (2018) 1-12; arXiv:1808.03579

Observation of inclined EeV air showers with the radio detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 10 (2018) 026; arXiv:1806.05386

Indication of anisotropy in arrival directions of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays through comparison to the flux pattern of extragalactic gamma-ray sources

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ Letters 853 (2018) L29; arXiv:1801.06160

On the Anisotropy in the Arrival Directions of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays

David Wittkowski, Karl-Heinz Kampert
ApJ Letters 854 (2018) L3; arXiv:1710.05617

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array: Joint Contribution to the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2017)

M.G. Aartsen et al. (IceCube, Pierre Auger, and Telescope Array Collaborations; Proceedings to ICRC 2017; PoS (ICRC2017); arXiv:1801.01854

Pierre Auger Observatory and Telescope Array: Joint Contributions to the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2017)

R.U. Abbasi et al. (Pierre Auger and Telescope Array Collaborations; Proceedings to ICRC 2017; PoS (ICRC2017); arXiv:1801.01018


The Pierre Auger Observatory: Selected Results and Future Plans

Karl-Heinz Kampert for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
JPS Conf. Proc. 15, 011004 (2017)

Inferences on Mass Composition and Tests of Hadronic Interactions from 0.3 to 100 EeV using the water-Cherenkov Detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D96 (2017) 122003; arXiv:1710.07249

KASCADE-Grande Limits on the Isotropic Diffuse Gamma-Ray Flux between 100TeV and 1 EeV

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
ApJ 848 (2017) 1-7; arXiv:1710.02889

Search for High-energy Neutrinos from Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817 with ANTARES, IceCube, and the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Albert at al. (LIGO. IceCube, ANTARES, and Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ Letters 850 (2017) L35

Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger

B.P. Abbot et al. (LIGO, ... Pierre Auger Collaboration, and others)
ApJ Letters 848 (2017) L12

Spectral Calibration of the Fluorescence Telescopes of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 45 (2017) 44; arXiv:1709.01537

Calibration of the Logarithmic-Periodic Dipole Antenna (LPDA) Radio Stations at the Pierre Auger Observatory using an Octocopter

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 12 (2017) T10005; arXiv:1702.01392

Observation of a Large-scale Anisotropy in the Arrival Directions of Cosmic Rays above 8x1018 eV

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Science 357 (2017) 1266; arXiv:1709.07321

Probing the evolution of the EAS muon content in the atmosphere with KASCADE-Grande

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 95 (2017) 25-43; arXiv:xx

Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Recent Results and Future Plans of Auger

K.-H. Kampert et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1852 040001 (2017); arXiv:1612.08188

Multi-resolution anisotropy studies of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 06 (2017) 026; arXiv:1611.06812

Combined fit of spectrum and composition data as measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 04 (2017) 038; arXiv:1612.07155

Search for photons with energies above 1018 eV using the hybrid detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 04 (2017) 009; arXiv:1612.01517

Muon Counting using Silicon Photomultipliers in the AMIGA detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 12 (2017) P03002; arXiv:1703.06193

A targeted search for point sources of EeV photons with the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astrophys. J. Letters 837 (2017) L25; arXiv:1612.04155

Impact of atmospheric effects on the energy reconstruction of air showers observed by the surface detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 12 (2017) P02006; arXiv:1702.02835

Challenges in QCD matter physics - The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR

T. Ablyazimov et al. (CBM Collaboration)
Eur. Phys. J. A 53, 60 (2017); arXiv:1607.01487


Ultrahigh-energy neutrino follow-up of Gravitational Wave events GW150914 and GW151226 with the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D94, 122007 (2016); arXiv:1608.07378

Evidence for a mixed mass composition at the `ankle' in the cosmic-ray spectrum

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Lett. B762 (2016) 288-295; arXiv:1609.08567

A comparison of the cosmic-ray energy scales of Tunka-133 and KASCADE-Grande via their radio extensions Tunka-Rex and LOPES

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Phys. Lett. B763 (2016) 179; arXiv:1610.08343

Search for Ultra-relativistic Magnetic Monopoles with the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D94, 082002 (2016); arXiv:1609.04451: Editors suggestion

Measurement of the muon production depths at the Pierre Auger Observatory

L. Collica et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2016) 131:301

Testing hadronic interactions at ultrahigh energies with air showers measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 192201 (2016); Editors suggestion; arXiv:1610.08509

Lattice QCD for Cosmology

Sz. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, K. H. Kampert, S. D. Katz, T. Kawanai, T. G. Kovacs, S. W. Mages, A. Pasztor, F. Pittler, J. Redondo, A. Ringwald, K. K. Szabo
Nature 539, 69-71 (2016); News and Views; arXiv:1606.07494

The Pierre Auger Observatory Upgrade - Preliminary Design Report

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)

CRPropa 3 - a Public Astrophysical Simulation Framework for Propagating Extraterrestrial Ultra-High Energy Particles

Rafael Alves Batista, Andrej Dundovic, Martin Erdmann, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Daniel Kuempel, Gero Müller, Guenter Sigl, Arjen van Vliet, David Walz, Tobias Winchen
JCAP 05 (2016) 038; arXiv:1603.07142

Azimuthal asymmetry in the risetime of the surface detector signals of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D93, 072006 (2016); arXiv:1604.00978

Prototype muon detectors for the AMIGA component of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 11 (2016) P02012; arXiv:1605.01625

Search for correlations between the arrival directions of IceCube neutrino events and ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array

M.G. Aarsten et al. (IceCube, Pierre Auger, and Telescope Array Collaborations)
JCAP 01 (2016) 037; arXiv:1511.09408

Measurement of the radiation energy in the radio signal of extensive air showers as a universal estimator of cosmic-ray energy

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (2016) 241101; arXiv:1605.02564

Energy Energy estimation of cosmic rays with the Engineering Radio Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D93, 122005 (2016); arXiv:1508.04267

Cosmic ray energy reconstruction from the S(500) observable recorded in the KASCADE-Grande air shower experiment

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 77 (2016) 21

Nanosecond-level time synchronization of autonomous radio detector stations for extensive air showers

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 11 (2016) P0108; arXiv:1512.02216

Improved absolute calibration of LOPES measurements and its impact on the comparison with REAS 3.11 and CoREAS simulations

W.D. Apel et al. (LOPES Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 75 (2016) 72; arXiv:1507.07389


The Pierre Auger Observatory: Contributions to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015)

A.Aab et al, Pierre Auger Collaboration; Proceedings to ICRC 2015; PoS (ICRC2015)

Development of a highly efficient PMT Winston-cone system for fluorescence measurement of extensive air showers

Sven Querchfeld, Julian Rautenberg, and Karl-Heinz Kampert; Proceedings to ICRC 2015; PoS (ICRC2015) 677

Measurement of the cosmic ray spectrum above 4x1018 eV using inclined events detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 08 (2015) 049; arXiv:1503.07786

The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
NIM A798 (2015) 172; arXiv:1502.01323

Search for patterns by combining cosmic-ray energy and arrival directions at the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:269; arXiv:1410.0515

Cosmic ray propagation with CRPropa 3

Rafael Alves Batista, Martin Erdmann, Carmelo Evoli, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Daniel Kuempel, Gero Mueller, Günter Sigl, Arjen Van Vliet, David Walz, Tobias Winchen
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 608:012076 (2015); arXiv:1410.5323

An improved limit to the diffuse flux of ultra-high energy neutrinos from the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D91, 092008 (2015), Editors Suggestion; arXiv:1504.05397

Influence of wavelength-shifting films on multianode PMTs with UV-extended windows

J. Adamczewski-Musch, K.-H.Becker, S.Belogurov, N.Boldyreva, A.Chernogorov, C. Deveaux, V.Dobyrn, M.Dürr, J.Eom, J.Eschke, C.Höhne, K.-H.Kampert, V. Kleipa, L.Kochenda, B.Kolb, J.Kopfer, P.Kravtsov, S.Lebedev, E.Lebedeva, E. Leonova, S.Linev, T.Mahmoud, J.Michel, N.Miftakhov, Y.Nam, W.Niebur, K. Oh, E.Ovcharenko, C.Pauly, J.Pouryamout, S.Querchfeld, J.Rautenberg, S. Reinecke, Y.Riabov, E.Roshchin, V.Samsonov, J.Song, O.Tarasenkova, T.Torres de Heidenreich, M.Traxler, C.Ugur, E.Vznuzdaev, M. Vznuzdaev, J.Yi, I.-K.Yoo
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A783 (2015) 43-50

Searches for Anisotropies in the Arrival Directions of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays Detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ 804:15(2015); arXiv:1411.6111

Large scale distribution of ultra high energy cosmic rays detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory with zenith angles up to 80o

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ 802:111 (2015); arXiv:1411.6953

Muons in air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory: Mean number in highly inclined events

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D91 032003 (2015), Editors Suggestion; arXiv:1408.1421

Lateral distributions of EAS muons (Emu > 800 MeV) measured with the KASCADE-Grande Muon Tracking Detector in the primary energy range 1016 eV - 1017 eV

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 65 (2015) 55-63


Depth of Maximum of Air-Shower Profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory: Composition Implications

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D90, 122006 (2014); arXiv:1409.5083

Depth of Maximum of Air-Shower Profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory: Measurements at Energies above 1017.8 eV

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D90, 122005 (2014); arXiv:1409.4809

The CBM RICH project

J. Adamczewski-Musch, K.-H.Becker, S.Belogurov, N.Boldyreva, A.Chernogorov, C. Deveaux, V.Dobyrn, M.Dürr, J.Eom, J.Eschke, C.Höhne, K.-H.Kampert, V. Kleipa, L.Kochenda, B.Kolb, J.Kopfer, P.Kravtsov, S.Lebedev, E.Lebedeva, E. Leonova, S.Linev, T.Mahmoud, J.Michel, N.Miftakhov, Y.Nam, W.Niebur, K. Oh, E.Ovcharenko, C.Pauly, J.Pouryamout, S.Querchfeld, J.Rautenberg, S. Reinecke, Y.Riabov, E.Roshchin, V.Samsonov, J.Song, O.Tarasenkova, T.Torres de Heidenreich, M.Traxler, C.Ugur, E.Vznuzdaev, M. Vznuzdaev, J.Yi, I.-K.Yoo
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A766 (2014) 101-106

Wavelength shifting films on multianode PMTs with UV-extended window for the CBM RICH detector

J. Adamczewski-Musch, K.-H.Becker, S.Belogurov, N.Boldyreva, A.Chernogorov, C. Deveaux, V.Dobyrn, M.Dürr, J.Eom, J.Eschke, C.Höhne, K.-H.Kampert, V. Kleipa, L.Kochenda, B.Kolb, J.Kopfer, P.Kravtsov, S.Lebedev, E.Lebedeva, E. Leonova, S.Linev, T.Mahmoud, J.Michel, N.Miftakhov, Y.Nam, W.Niebur, K. Oh, E.Ovcharenko, C.Pauly, J.Pouryamout, S.Querchfeld, J.Rautenberg, S. Reinecke, Y.Riabov, E.Roshchin, V.Samsonov, J.Song, O.Tarasenkova, T.Torres de Heidenreich, M.Traxler, C.Ugur, E.Vznuzdaev, M. Vznuzdaev, J.Yi, I.-K.Yoo
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A766 (2014) 180-182

First Experimental Characterization of Microwave Emission from Cosmic Ray Air Showers

R. Smida, ..., D. Fuhrmann, K.-H. Kampert, S. Mathys, J. Rautenberg, et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 221101 (2014)

Muons in air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory: Measurement of atmospheric production depth

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D90 (2014) 012012; arXiv:1407.5919

Searches for Large-Scale Anisotropy in the Arrival Directions of Cosmic Rays Detected above Energy of 1019 eV at the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger and TA Collaborations)
Astrohys. J 794 (2014) 172; arXiv:1409.3128

Reconstruction of inclined air showers detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 2014/08 (2014) 019; arXiv:1407.3214

Origin of atmospheric aerosols at the Pierre Auger Observatory using studies of air mass trajectories in South America

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Atmospheric Research Journal 149 (2014) 120; arXiv:1405.7551

Reconstruction of the energy and depth of maximum of cosmic-ray air showers from LOPES radio measurements

W.D. Apel et al. (LOPES Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D90 (2014) 062001; arXiv:1404.2346

The wavefront of the radio signal emitted by cosmic ray air showers

W.D. Apel et al. (LOPES Collaboration)
JCAP09 (2014) 025; arXiv:1404.3283

A search for point sources of EeV photons

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ 789, 160 (2014) ; arXiv:1406.2912

A Targeted Search for Point Sources of EeV Neutrons

A. Aab et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ Letters 789, L34 (2014) ; arXiv:1406.4038

Cosmic rays from the ankle to the cutoff

Karl-Heinz Kampert and Peter Tinyakov
Comptes Rendus Physique 15 (2014) 318-328; arXiv:1405.0575

Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Results and Prospects

K.-H. Kampert, Invited paper presented at the at the 9th Rencontres du Vietnam on Windows on the Universe; Inaugural Conference of ICISE, Quy Nhon, August 11.-17., 2013; arXiv:1404.6515

The KASCADE-Grande energy spectrum of cosmic rays and the role of hadronic interaction models

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Advances in Space Research 53 (2014) 1456-1469; Editors Choice

Probing the radio emission from air showers with polarization measurements

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 89, 052002 (2014); arXiv:1402.3677


Comparing LOPES measurements of air-shower radio emission with REAS 3.11 and CoREAS simulations

W.D. Apel et al. (LOPES Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 50-52 (2013) 76-91

Identifying Clouds over the Pierre Auger Observatory using Infrared Satellite Data

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 50-52 (2013) 92-101; arXiv:1310.1641

Cosmic Ray Observation via Microwave Emission (CROME)

R. Smida, S. Baur, M. Bertaina, J. Blümer, A. Chiavassa, R. Engel, A. Haungs, T. Huege, K.-H. Kampert, H. Klages, M. Kleifges, O. Krömer, M. Ludwig, S. Mathys, P. Neunteufel, J. Pekala, J. Rautenberg, M. Riegel, M. Roth, F. Salamida, H. Schieler, J. Stasielak, M. Unger, M. Weber, F. Werner, H. Wilczynski, J.Wochele; 5th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities, AIP Conf. Proc. 1535, 214-218 (2013)

Extensive air shower detection with CROME in the L Band

S. Mathys, S. Baur, M. Bertaina, J. Blümer, A. Chiavassa, R. Engel, A. Haungs, T. Huege, K.-H. Kampert, H. Klages, M. Kleifges, O. Krömer, M. Ludwig, P. Neunteufel, J. Pekala, J. Rautenberg, M. Riegel, M. Roth, F. Salamida, H. Schieler, R. Smida, J. Stasielak, M. Unger, M. Weber, F. Werner, H. Wilczynski, J.Wochele; 5th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities, AIP Conf. Proc. 1535, 219-223 (2013)

The Pierre Auger Observatory: Contributions to the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2013)

The Pierre Auger Collaboration
Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2-9 July 2013; arXiv:1307.5059

CRPropa 3.0 - a Public Framework for Propagating UHE Cosmic Rays through Galactic and Extragalactic Space

Rafael Alves Batista, Martin Erdmann, Carmelo Evoli, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Daniel Kuempel, Gero Müller, Peter Schiffer, Guenter Sigl, Arjen van Vliet, David Walz, Tobias Winchen
Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2-9 July 2013; arXiv:1307.2643

KASCADE-Grande measurements of energy spectra for elemental groups of cosmic rays

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 47 (2013) 54; arXiv:1305.6263

Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Results and Prospects

K.-H. Kampert, Brazilian Journal of Physics (2013) 43:375-382; arXiv:1305.2363

Experimental Summary: Very High Energy Cosmic Rays and their Interactions

K.-H. Kampert, Experimental Summary of ISVHECRI Conference, Berlin, August 2012, EPJ Web of Conferences 52, 13001 (2013); arXiv:1305.2348

Bounds on the density of sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays from the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 05 (2013) 009; arXiv:1305.1576

Ankle-like feature in the energy spectrum of light elements of cosmic rays observed with KASCADE-Grande

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 87, 081101(R) (2013); arXiv:1304.7114

Techniques for Measuring Aerosol Attenuation using the Central Laser Facility at the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 8, P04009 (2013); arXiv:1303.5576

Interpretation of the Depths of Maximum of Extensive Air Showers Measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
J. Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2, 26 (2013); arXiv:1301.6637

Ultrahigh energy neutrinos in the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Advances in High Energy Physics 2013, 1-18 (2013)

CRPropa 2.0 - a Public Framework for Propagating High Energy Nuclei, Secondary Gamma Rays and Neutrinos

Karl-Heinz Kampert, Jörg Kulbartz, Luca Maccione, Nils Nierstenhöfer, Peter Schiffer, Günter Sigl, Arjen René van Vliet
Astropart. Phys. 42 (2013) 41-51; arXiv:1206.3132


Constraints on the origin of cosmic rays above 1018 eV from large scale anisotropy searches in data of the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ 762, L13 (2012); arXiv:1212.3083

Das Pierre Auger Observatorium: Teilchenstrahlungen aus dem Kosmos

Karl-Heinz Kampert
VDI Ingenieur Forum 4/2012, 30-32

GAMMA2012: Summary of Cosmic Ray News and Progress

Karl-Heinz Kampert
AIP Conf. Proc. 1505, 156-165 (2012)

Results of a self-triggered prototype system for radio-detection of extensive air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 7, P11023 (2012); arXiv:1211.0572

Large scale distribution of arrival directions of cosmic rays detected above 1018 eV at the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astrophys. J. Suppl. 203 (2012) 34; arXiv:1210.3736

Antennas for the Detection of Radio Emission Pulses from Cosmic-Ray induced Air Showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 7, P10011 (2012); arXiv:1209.3849

Radio galaxies of the local universe -- All-sky catalog, luminosity functions, and clustering

Sjoert van Velzen, Heino Falcke, Pim Schellart, Nils Nierstenhöfer, and Karl-Heinz Kampert
A&A 544, A18 (2012); arXiv:1206.0031

A Search for Point Sources of EeV Neutrons

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
ApJ 760 (2012) 148; arXiv:1211.4901

A search for anisotropy of UHECRs detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 04 (2012) 040; arXiv:1210.3602

LOPES-3D, an antenna array for full signal detection of air-shower radio emission

W.D. Apel et al. (LOPES Collaboration)
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 696 (2012) 100-109

The Rapid Atmospheric Monitoring System of the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 7 (2012) P09001; arXiv:1208.1675

Studies of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays look to the future

Karl-Heinz Kampert, Masaki Fukushima
CERN Courier 52/6 (2012) 22-25

Measurement of the cosmic ray energy spectrum using hybrid events of the Pierre Auger Observatory

M. Settimo and Pierre Auger Collaboration
EPJ Plus (2012) 127; 87

Extensive Air Showers and Ultra High-Energy Cosmic Rays: A Historical Review

Karl-Heinz Kampert and Alan A. Watson
The European Physical Journal H 37 (2012) 359-412; arXiv:1207.4827

Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory

Karl-Heinz Kampert for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
Invited Highlight paper presented at ICRC 2011, Beijing; arXiv:1207.4823

Measurement of the proton-air cross-section at sqrt(s) = 57 TeV with the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 062002 (2012); arXiv:1208.1520

Search for point-like sources of ultra-high energy neutrinos at the Pierre Auger Observatory and improved limit on the diffuse flux of tau neutrinos

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
APJ-Letters 755:L4 (2012)

The spectrum of high-energy cosmic rays measured with KASCADE-Grande

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 36 (2012) 183-194; arXiv:1206.3834

Experimental evidence for the sensitivity of the air-shower radio signal to the longitudinal shower development

W.D. Apel et al. (LOPES Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D85 071101(R) (2012); arXiv:1203.3971

Measurements of the Cosmic Ray Composition with Air Shower Experiments

Karl-Heinz Kampert and Michael Unger
Astropart. Phys. 35 (2012) 660-678; arXiv:1201.0018

The Design and Performance of IceCube DeepCore

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 35 (2012) 615

Description of Atmospheric Conditions at the Pierre Auger Observatory using the Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS)

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 35 (2012) 591-607; arXiv:1201.2276

Searching for soft relativistic jets in Core-collapse Supernovae with the IceCube Optical Follow-up Program

R. Abbasi et al, (IceCube Collaboration)
Astron. Astrophys. 539 (2012) A60; arXiv:1111.7030

Search for signatures of magnetically-induced alignment in the arrival directions measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 35 (2012) 354

Background studies for acoustic neutrino detection at the South Pole

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 35 (2012) 312; arXiv:1103.1216

Neutrino Analysis of the 2010 September Crab Nebula Flare and Time-Integrated Constraints on Neutrino Emission from the Crab Using Icecube

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
ApJ 745 (2012) 45

Background studies for acoustic neutrino detection at the South Pole

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 35 (2012) 312; arXiv:1103.1216

Searches for periodic neutrino emission from binary systems with 22 and 40 strings of IceCube

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
ApJ 748 (2012) 118; arXiv:1108.3023


FPGA Based Signal-Processing for Radio Detection of Cosmic Rays

Adrian Schmidt, Hartmut Gemmeke, Andreas Haungs, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Christoph Ruehle, Zbigniew Szadkowski
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 58 (2011) 1621-1627

Observation of an Anisotropy in the Galactic Cosmic Ray arrival direction at 400 TeV with IceCube

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
ApJ 746 (2011) 33; arXiv:1109.1017

The effect of the geomagnetic field on cosmic ray energy estimates and large scale anisotropy searches on data from the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 11 (2011) 022

Time-Dependent Searches for Point Sources of Neutrinos with the 40-String and 22-String Configurations of IceCube

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
ApJ 744 (2011) 1; arXiv:1104.0075

Search for ultrahigh energy neutrinos in highly inclined events at the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D84 122005 (2011)

IceCube Sensitivity for Low-Energy Neutrinos from Nearby Supernovae

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
A&A 535, A109 (2011); arXiv:1108.0171

A Search for a Diffuse Flux of Astrophysical Muon Neutrinos with the IceCube 40-String Detector

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D84, 082001 (2011); arXiv:1104.5187

The Lateral Trigger Probability function for the Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays Showers detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 35 (2011) 266

Kneelike structure in the spectrum of the heavy component of cosmic rays observed with KASCADE-Grande

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011) 171104; arXiv:1107.5885

First search for atmospheric and extraterrestrial neutrino-induced cascades with the IceCube detector

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 84, 072001 (2011)

First results of the CROME experiment

R. Smida, H. Blümer, R. Engel, A. Haungs, T. Huege, K.-H. Kampert, H. Klages, M. Kleifges, O. Krömer, S. Mathys, J. Rautenberg, M. Riegel, M. Roth, F. Salamida, H. Schieler, J. Stasielak, M. Unger, M. Weber, F. Werner, H. Wilczynski, J. Wochele
32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing 2011; arXiv:1108.0588

Atmospheric muon and neutrino fluxes and their relation to the Cosmic Ray mass composition at the knee

Daniel Bindig, Carla Bleve, Karl-Heinz Kampert
32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing v1 (2011) 161

Ultra-High Energy Photon and Neutrino Fluxes in Realistic Astrophysical Scenarios

B. Sarkar, K.-H. Kampert, J. Kulbartz, L. Mecciona N. Nierstenhoefer, G. Sigl
32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing 2011

Simulating Ultra-High Energy Nuclei Propagation with CRPropa

G. Sigl, K.-H. Kampert, J. Kulbartz, L. Mecciona N. Nierstenhoefer
32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing, v2 (2011) 198

A fast Embedded System for Radio Detection of Cosmic Rays

H. Gemmeke, M. Scherer, M. Balzer, A. Herth, A. Menshikov, C. Rühle, A. Schmidt, K.-H. Becker, K.-H. Kampert, and A. Haungs, for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
IEEE (2010) 722-729

Observation of Anisotropy in the Arrival Directions of Galactic Cosmic Rays at Multiple Angular Scales with IceCube

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
ApJ 740 (2011) 16; arXiv:1105.2326

Thunderstorm Observations by Air-Shower Radio Antenna Arrays

W.D. Apel et al. (LOPES-Collaboration)
Advances in Space Research 48 (2011) 1295

Time-integrated Searches for Point-like Sources of Neutrinos with the 40-string IceCube Detector

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
ApJ 732 (2011) 18.

Search for Dark Matter from the Galactic Halo with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D84 (2011) 022004; arXiv:1101.3349

Anisotropy and chemical composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays using arrival directions measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JCAP 06 (2011) 022; arXiv:1106.3048

The first search for extremely high energy cosmogenic neutrinos with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory

P. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D82, 072003 (2010); arXiv:1009.1442

Constraints on the Extremely-high Energy Cosmic Neutrino Flux with the IceCube 2008-2009 Data

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D83 092003 (2011); arXiv:1103.4250

Constraints on high-energy neutrino emission from SN 2008D

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
A&A 527, A28 (2011); arXiv:1101.3942

Development of a RICH detector for CBM: simulations and experimental tests

C. Höhne, K.E. Choi, V. Dobyrn, M. Dürr, J. Eschke, V. Evseev, K.-H. Kampert, L. Kochenda, P. Koczon, J. Kopfer, E. Kormin, D. Kresan, S. Lebedev, M. Miftakhov, C. Pauly, K. Oh, G. Ososkov, V. Poliakov, J. Rautenberg, V. Samsonov, C.W. Son, O. Tarasenkova, V. Tolchin, E. Vznuzdaev, J. Yi, I.-K. Yoo and CBM-RICH Collaboration
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A639 (2011) 294

Limits on Neutrino Emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts with the 40 String IceCube Detector

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (2011) 141101

Restoring the azimuthal symmetry of lateral distributions of charged particles in the range of the KASCADE-Grande experiment

O. Sima, H. Rebel, A. Haungs, G. Toma, C. Manailescu, C. Morariu, J.C. Arteaga, K. Bekk, M. Bertaina, J. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, A. Chiavassa, F. Cosavella, V. de Souza, P. Doll, R. Engel, M. Finger, R. Glasstetter, C. Grupen, D. Heck, T. Huege, K.-H. Kampert, D. Kang, H.-J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Oehlschläger, M. Roth, J. Wochele, M. Wommer, J. Zabierowski
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A638 (2011) 147-156

Measurement of the atmospheric neutrino energy spectrum from 100 GeV to 400 TeV with IceCube

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D83 (2011) 012001; arXiv:1010.3980

Advanced functionality for radio analysis in the Offline software framework of the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A635 (2011) 92-102; arXiv:1101.4473

Search for First Harmonic Modulation in the Right Ascension Distribution of Cosmic Rays Detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 34 (2011) 627-639

The Pierre Auger Observatory Scaler Mode for the Study of Solar Activity Modulation of Galactic Cosmic Rays

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
JINST 6 (2011) P01003

The exposure of the hybrid detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 34 (2010) 368-381

Muon Production Height Studies with the Air Shower Experiment KASCADE-Grande

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 34 (2010) 476-485

Measurement of the Anisotropy of Cosmic Ray Arrival Directions with IceCube

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
ApJ 718 (2010) L194; arXiv:1005.2960

Search for neutrino-induced cascades with five years of AMANDA data

R. Abbasi et al, (IceCube Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 34 (2010) 420-430

Measurement of Acoustic Attenuation in South Pole Ice

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 34 (2011) 382; arXiv:1004.1694


Recent Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory

K.-H. Kampert for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
Proc. Sci. (ICHEP 2010) 435

Search for relativistic magnetic monopoles with the AMANDA-II neutrino telescope

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Eur. Phys. J. C69 (2010) 361

Update on the correlation of the highest energy cosmic rays with nearby extragalactic matter

P. Abreu et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 34 (2010) 314-326; arXiv:1009.1855

The Fluorescence Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A620 (2010) 227-251; arXiv:0907.4282

The KASCADE-Grande Experiment

W.D. Apel et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A620 (2010) 202-216

The Energy Spectrum of Atmospheric Neutrinos between 2 and 200 TeV with the AMANDA-II Detector

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 34 (2010) 48-50; arXiv:1004.2357

Measuring the radio emission of cosmic ray air showers with LOPES

F.G. Schröder et al. (LOPES Collaboration)
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A617 (2010) 515

Calibration and characterization of the icecube photomultiplier tube

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Nucl. Instr. Meth. 618 (2010) 139-152; arXiv:1002.2442

Measurement of sound speed vs. depth in South Pole ice for neutrino astronomy

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 33 (2010) 277-286; ; arXiv:0909.2629

Limits on a muon flux from Kaluza-Klein dark matter annihilations in the Sun from the IceCube 22-string detector

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 057101; arXiv:0910.4480

Measurement of the Depth of Maximum of Extensive Air Showers above 1018 eV

J. Abraham et al., (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 091101 (2010); arXiv:1002.0699

Measurement of the energy spectrum of cosmic rays above 1018 eV using the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al., (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Lett. B685 (2010) 239-246; arXiv:1002.1975

A Study of the Effect of Molecular and Aerosol Conditions in the Atmosphere on Air Fluorescence Measurements at the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al., (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 33 (2010) 108-129

Search for Muon Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts with the IceCube Neutrino Telescope

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Astrophys. J. 710 (2010) 346-359

Trigger and aperture of the surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al., (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 613(2010) 29-39

Lateral Distribution of the Radio Signal in Extensive Air Showers Measured with LOPES

W.D. Apel, et al. (LOPES Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 32 (2010) 294


Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray and Neutrino Observations

K.-H. Kampert
Proc. Sci. (EPS-HEP 2009) 011; arXiv:0911.1089

Extending the search for neutrino point sources with IceCube above the horizon

R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 221102 (2009); arXiv:0911.2338

High Quantum Efficiency Phototubes for Atmospheric Fluorescence Telescopes

Daniel Kruppke-Hansen, Karl-Heinz Kampert
Contribution to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009; astro-ph/0907.3670

Propagation of Ultra-High Energy Nuclei with CRPropa

Karl Heinz Kampert, Jörg Konrad Kulbartz, Nils Nierstenhoefer, Markus Risse and Günter Sigl
Contribution to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009

Cosmic Ray Measurements with the KASCADE-Grande Experiment

W.D. Apel et al., KASCADE-Grande Collaboration
Contributions to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009

Simulation study of GZK photon fluxes

Daniel Kuempel, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Markus Risse
Contribution to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009

Calibration and Monitoring of the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al., Pierre Auger Collaboration
Contributions to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009

Operations of and Future Plans for the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al., Pierre Auger Collaboration
Contributions to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009

Astrophysical Sources of Cosmic Rays and Related Measurements with the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al., Pierre Auger Collaboration
Contributions to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009

Studies of Cosmic Ray Composition and Air Shower Structure with the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al., Pierre Auger Collaboration
Contributions to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009

The Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum and Related Measurements with the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al., Pierre Auger Collaboration
Contributions to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009

Auf der Suche nach den kosmischen Beschleunigern - Die höchstenergetischen Teilchen des Universums

Karl-Heinz Kampert, OUTPUT Magazin I/2009, 6-10

Search for High-Energy Muon Neutrinos from the "Naked-Eye" GRB080319b with the IceCube Neutrino Telescope

R. Abbasi, et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Astropys. J. 701 (2009) 1721; arXiv:0902.0131

Atmospheric effects on extensive air showers observed with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger observatory

J. Abraham et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 32 (2009) 89

New method to measure the attenuation of hadrons in extensive air showers

W.D. Apel, et al. (KASCADE Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D80 022002 (2009)

The 3rd Generation Front-End Cards of the Pierre Auger Surface Detectors: Test Results and Performance in the Field

Z. Szadkowski, T. Bäcker, K.-H. Becker, P. Buchholz, I. Fleck, K.-H. Kampert, I. Rammes, J. Rautenberg, O. Tascau
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 606 (2009) 439-445

Upper limit on the cosmic-ray photon fraction at EeV energies from the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 31 (2009) 399-406; arXiv:0903.1127

Determination of the Atmospheric Neutrino Flux and Searches for New Physics with AMANDA-II

R. Abbasi, et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D79 102005 (2009); arXiv:0902.0675

Limits on a muon flux from neutralino annihilations in the Sun with the IceCube 22-string detector

R. Abbasi, et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett 102 (2009) 201302; arXiv:0902.2460

Active Galactic Nuclei: Sources for ultra high energy cosmic rays?

P. L. Biermann, J.K. Becker, L. Caramente, A. Curutiu, R. Engel, H. Falcke, L.A. Gergely, P.G. Isar, I.C. Maris, A. Meli, K.-H. Kampert T. Stanev, O. Tascau, C. Zier,
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 190 (2009) 61-78

Recent Results from KASCADE-Grande and LOPES

Karl-Heinz Kampert et al. (KASCADE-Grande and LOPES Collaborations)
Proceedings to the CRIS-2008 Conference, Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) 190 (2009) 213-222

Limit on the diffuse flux of ultra-high energy tau neutrinos with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D79 102001 (2009)

On the Relation of Atmospheric and Cosmogenic Neutrino Fluxes and Cosmic Ray Composition

Karl-Heinz Kampert
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 188 (2009) 289-292

Search for Point Sources of High Energy Neutrinos with Final Data from AMANDA-II

R. Abbasi, et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 79, 062001 (2009)

The IceCube data acquisition system: Signal capture, digitization, and timestamping

R. Abbasi et al., (IceCube Collaboration)
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A601 (2009) 294

At the Doorway to UHE Cosmic Ray Astronomy – Recent Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory –

K.-H. Kampert et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Inv. paper at 4th International Meeting on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy, AIP Conference Proceedings 1085 (2009) 30-37

Energy Spectra of Elemental Groups of Cosmic Rays: Update on the KASCADE Unfolding Analysis

W.D. Apel, et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 31 (2009) 86-91

Test of the hadronic interaction model EPOS with air shower data

W.D. Apel, et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
J. Phys. G36 (2009) 05321; arXiv:0901.4650


Puzzling hot spots in the cosmic ray sky

K.-H. Kampert,
Invited Viewpoint by the APS Journals, Physics 1, 37 (2008)

Solar energetic particle spectrum on 2006 December 13 determined by IceTop

R. Abbasi et al., (IceCube Collaboration)
Astrophys. J. 689 (2008) L65-L68

Geometry reconstruction of fluorescence detetctors revisited

D. Kuempel. K.-H. Kampert, M. Risse
Astropart. Phys. 30 (2008) 167-174; arXiv:0806.4523

Frequency spectra of cosmic-ray air shower radio emission measured with LOPES

A. Nigl, et al. (LOPES Collaboration)
Astron. & Astrophys. 488 (2008) 807-817; arXiv:0809.2751

Observation of the suppression of the flux of cosmic rays above 4 x 1019 eV (Listed among Top-Ten Results of Physics in 2008)

J. Abraham et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 061101 (2008); arXiv:0806.4302

Cosmic Rays at the Highest Energies: Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory

K.-H. Kampert et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Proceedings to the Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste - Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics, Frascati Physics Series, Vol. XLVII (2008), ISBN-978-88-86409-56-8, p2-p16

Direction identification in radio images of cosmic-ray air showers detected with LOPES and KASCADE

A. Nigl et al. (LOPES Collaboration)
Astron. & Astrophys. 487 (2008) 781-788; arXiv:0808.2742

Ultra High-Energy Cosmic Ray Observations

Karl-Heinz Kampert
Invited paper presented at TAUP2007 (Sendai, Japan), J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 120 (2008) 062002; arXiv:0801.1986

Applying Shower Development Universality to KASCADE Data

W.D. Apel, A.F. Badea, K. Bekk, H. Blümer, E. Boos, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, I. Lebedev, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, H. Ulrich, J. Van Buren, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski (KASCADE Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 29 (2008) 412

Upper limit of the cosmic-ray photon flux above 1019 eV using the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration),
Astropart. Phys. 29 (2008) 243-256; arXiv:0712.1147

Upper limit on the diffuse flux of UHE tau neutrinos from the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 211101 (2008); arXiv:0712.1909

Time structure of the EAS electron and muon components measured by the KASCADE-Grande array

W.D. Apel, J.C. Arteaga, A.F. Badea, K. Bekk, M. Bertaina, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, M. Brüggemann, P. Buchholz, E. Cantoni, A. Chiavassa, F. Cossavella, K. Daumiller, V. de Souza, F. di Pierro, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, M. Finger, D. Fuhrmann, P.L. Ghia, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, C. Grupen, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, T. Huege, P.G. Isar, K.H. Kampert, D. Kickelbick, H.O. Klages, Y. Kolotaev, P. Luczak, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, C. Meurer, J. Milke, B. Mitrica, C. Morello, G. Navarra, S. Nehls. J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, S. Over, M. Petcu, T. Pierog, S. Plewnia, H. Rebel, M. Roth, H. Schieler, O. Sima, M. Stümpert, G. Toma, G.C. Trinchero, H. Ulrich, J. Van Buren, W. Walkowiak, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski
(KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 29 (2008) 317-330

Correlation of the highest-energy cosmic rays with the positions of nearby active galactic nuclei

J. Abraham et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration),
Astropart. Phys. 29 (2008) 188-204; arXiv:0712.2843

Search for ultra high energy neutrinos with AMANDA-II

A. Achterberg et al, (IceCube Collaboration)
Astrophys. J. 675 (2008) 1014-1024; arXiv:0711.3022


Tests of interaction models up to 40 PeV by studying hadronic cores of EAS (nominated by J. Phys. G to Research Highlights in 2007)

W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, T. Pierog, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, H. Ulrich, J. Van Buren, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski
(KASCADE Collaboration)
J. Phys. G34 (2007) 2581-2593

Correlation of the highest energy cosmic rays with nearby extragalactic objects (Listed by Science as third among all scientific breakthroughs of the year)

J. Abraham et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration),
Science 318 (2007) 938-943; arXiv:0711.2256

Sigma-Delta compensation of pedestals in the First Level SD Trigger of the Pierre Auger Observatory

Zbigniew Szadkowski, Karl-Heinz Kampert
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Mérida (Mexico), 3-11 July 2007, paper 124

Geometry reconstruction of fluorescence detectors revisited

Daniel Kümpel, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Markus Risse
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Mérida (Mexico), 3-11 July 2007, paper 182arXiv:0708.3976

Investigation of backgrounds for horizontal neutrino showers at ultra-high energy

Oana Tascau, Ralph Engel, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Markus Risse
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Mérida (Mexico), 3-11 July 2007, paper 183

The Front-End Cards of the Pierre Auger Surface Detectors: Test Results and Performance in the Field

Zbigniew Szadkowski, Karl-Heinz Becker, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Julian Rautenberg, Oana Tascau
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Mérida (Mexico), 3-11 July 2007, paper 935

Multi-year search for a diffuse flux of muon neutrinos with AMANDA-II

A. Achterberg et al, (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D76 (2007) 042008; astro-ph/0705.1315

Detection of Atmospheric Muon Neutrinos with the IceCube 9-String Detector

A. Achterberg et al, (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D76 (2007) 027101; astro-ph/0705.1781

Cosmic Rays at the Highest Energies – First Data from the Pierre Auger Observatory

K-H. Kampert for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
To appear in proceedings of XLV International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio (Italy), January 14-21, 2007

Search for neutrino-induced cascades from gamma-ray bursts with AMANDA

A. Achterberg et al, (IceCube Collaboration)
Astrophys. J. 664 (2007) 397-410; astro-ph/0702265

Five years of searches of astrophysical neutrinos with the AMANDA-II neutrino telescope

A. Achterberg et al, (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D75 (2007) 102001; astro-ph/0611063

Qualification tests of the 11000 photomultipliers for the Pierre Auger observatory fluorescence detectors

K.-H. Becker, A. Behrmann, F. Bracci, C. Delle Fratte, P. Facal San Luis, Ch. Fontaine, H. Geenen, D. Guerin, S. Hartmann, K.-H. Kampert, P. Lavoute, G. Matthiae, P. Petrinca, P. Privitera, J. Rodriguez Martino, G. Salina, V. Scherini, V. Verzi, U. Weischer, Ch. Wiebusch
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A576 (2007) 301-311

Amplified radio emission from cosmic ray air showers in thunderstorms

S. Buitink, W.D. Apel, T. Asch, F. Badea, L. Bähren, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, M. Bertaina, P.L. Biermann, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, M. Brüggemann, P. Buchholz, H. Butcher, A. Chiavassa, F. Cossavella, K. Daumiller, F. Di Pierro, P. Doll, R. Engel, H. Falcke, H. Gemmeke, P.L. Ghia, R. Glasstetter, C. Grupen, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, A. Horneffer, T. Huege, K.H. Kampert, Y. Kolotaev, O. Krömer, J. Kuipers, S. Lafebre, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, C. Meurer, J. Milke, B. Mitrica, C. Morello, G. Navarra, S. Nehls, A. Nigl, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, S. Over, M. Petcu, J. Petrovic, T. Pierog, S. Plewnia, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Roth, H. Schieler, O. Sima, K. Singh, M. Stümpert, G. Toma, G.C. Trinchero, H. Ulrich, J. van Buren, W. Walkowiak, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, J.A. Zensus, D. Zimmermann
Astron. & Astroph. 467 (2007) 385-394; arXiv:astro-ph/0702432

Anisotropy studies around the galactic centre at EeV energies with the Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration),
Astropart. Phys. 27 (2007) 244-253; astro-ph/0607382

Radio emission of highly inclined cosmic ray air showers measured with LOPES

J. Petrovic, W.D. Apel, T. Asch, F. Badea, L. Bähren, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, M. Bertaina, P.L. Biermann, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, M. Brüggemann, P. Buchholz, S. Buitink, H. Butcher, A. Chiavassa, F. Cossavella, K. Daumiller, F. Di Pierro, P. Doll, R. Engel, H. Falcke, H. Gemmeke, P.L. Ghia, R. Glasstetter, C. Grupen, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, A. Horneffer, T. Huege, K.H. Kampert, Y. Kolotaev, O. Krömer, J. Kuipers, S. Lafebre, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, C. Meurer, J. Milke, B. Mitrica, C. Morello, G. Navarra, S. Nehls, A. Nigl, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, S. Over, M. Petcu, T. Pierog, S. Plewnia, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Roth, H. Schieler, O. Sima, K. Singh, M. Stümpert, G. Toma, G.C. Trinchero, H. Ulrich, J. van Buren, W. Walkowiak, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, J.A. Zensus, D. Zimmermann
Astron. & Astroph. 462 (2007) 389-395

Cosmic Rays from the Knee to the Ankle – Status and Prospects

K.-H. Kampert
Nucl. Phys. B165 (Proc. Suppl) (2007) 294-306; astro-ph/0611884

An upper limit to the photon fraction in cosmic rays above 1019 eV from the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration),
Astropart. Phys. 27 (2007) 155-168; astro-ph/0606619

Cosmic Rays at the Highest Energies – First Data from the Pierre Auger Obervatory

K.-H. Kampert for the Pierre Auger Collaboration,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. E16 (2007) 1093-1106; astro-ph/0608136


Recent Results from KASCADE-Grande

K.-H. Kampert for the KASCADE-Grande Collaboration,
Proc. of Vulcano Workshop „Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics“, May 2006, F. Giovannelli & G. Mannocchi (eds.), Italian Physical Society, Editrice Compositori, Bologna, Italy; astro-ph/0608340

Limits on the High-Energy Gamma and Neutrino Fluxes from the SGR 1806-20 Giant Flare of 27 December 2004 with the AMANDA-II Detector

A. Achterberg et al, (IceCube Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 221101; astro-ph/0607233

On the selection of AGN neutrino source candidates for a source stacking analysis with neutrino telescopes

A. Achterberg et al, (IceCube Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 26 (2006) 282-230; astro-ph/0609534

A FADC-Based Data Acquistion System for the KASCADE-Grande Experiment

W. Walkowiak et al, (KACADE-Grande Collaboration)
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53 (2006) 265 155-173

First year performance of the IceCube neutrino telescope

A. Achterberg et al, (IceCube Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 26 (2006) 155-173; astro-ph/0604450

Progress in Air Shower Radio Measurements: Detection of Distant Events

W.D. Apel, T. Asch, F. Badea, L. Bähren, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, M. Bertaina, P.L. Biermann, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, S. Buitink, M. Brüggemann, P. Buchholz, H. Butcher, A. Chiavassa, F. Cossavella, K. Daumiller, F. Di Pierro, P. Doll, R. Engel, H. Falcke, H. Gemmeke, P.L. Ghia, R. Glasstetter, C. Grupen, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, A. Horneffer, T. Huege, K.H. Kampert, Y. Kolotaev, O. Krömer, J. Kuipers, S. Lafebre, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, C. Meurer, J. Milke, B. Mitrica, C. Morello, G. Navarra, S. Nehls, A. Nigl, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, S. Over, M. Petcu, J. Petrovic, T. Pierog, S. Plewnia, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Roth, H. Schieler, O. Sima, K. Singh, M. Stümpert, G. Toma, G.C. Trinchero, H. Ulrich, J. van Buren, W. Walkowiak, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, J.A. Zensus, D. Zimmermann
Astropart. Phys. 26 (2006) 332-340; astro-ph/0607495

Limits to the muon flux from neutralino annihilations at the center of the Earth with AMANDA

A. Achterberg et al, (AMANDA Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 26 (2006) 129-139

Optical Properties of deep glacial ice at the south pole

M. Ackermann et al, (AMANDA Collaboration)
J. Geophys. Res. 111, D13203 (2006)

The IceCube prototype string in AMANDA

M. Ackermann et al, (AMANDA Collaboration)
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A556 (2006) 169-181

Comparison of measured and simulated lateral distributions for electrons and muons with KASCADE

W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, H. Ulrich, J. Van Buren, A. Vardanyan, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski
(KASCADE Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 24 (2006) 467-483; astro-ph/0510810

Limits to the muon flux from neutralino annihilations in the sun with the AMANDA Detector

M. Ackermann et al, (AMANDA Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 24 (2006) 459-466; astro-ph/0508518

The Pierre Auger Observatory – Status and Prospects –

K.-H. Kampert et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration),
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 151 (2006) 393-400; astro-ph/0501074


Contributions to the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2005), Pune, India, Aug. 2005

A. Achterberg et al. (IceCube Collaboration)
Contributions to the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2005), Pune, India, 3-11 Aug 2005.
e-Print Archive: astro-ph/0509330

Development of a new first level trigger for surface array in the Pierre Auger Observatory based on the Cyclone Altera FPGA

Z. Szadkowski, K.-H. Becker, K.-H. Kampert
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A545 (2005) 793-802

KASCADE measurements of energy spectra for elemental groups of cosmic rays: Results and open problems

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, J. Van Buren, A. Vardanyan, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski (KASCADE Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 24 (2005) 1-25

Photomultiplier Qualification Tests for the Fluorescence Detectors of the Pierre Auger Obervatory

K.H. Becker, A. Behrmann, E. El-Mechaouri, P. Facal San Luis, H. Geenen, K.-H. Kampert, G. Matthiae, P. Petrinca, P. Privitera, V. Scherini, V. Verzi, and Ch. Wiebusch
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference Pune 8 (2005) 49-5

Development of a new first level trigger board for the Pierre Auger Observatory based on the Cyclone Design

Z. Szadkowski, K.-H. Becker, K.-H. Kampert
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference Pune 8 (2005) 375-378

Validation of the real and simulated data of the Pierre Auger Fluorescence Telescopes

A. Ewers, H. Geenen, K.-H. Kampert, L. Perrone, S. Robbins, V. Scherini, M Unger, for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference Pune 7 (2005) 115-118; astro-ph/0507486

Shower size reconstruction at KASCADE-Grande

R. Glasstetter, K.H. Kampert, et al. (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference Pune 6 (2005) 293-295

Geometric Structures in Hadronic Cores of Extensive Air Showers Observed by KASCADE

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, J. Van Buren, A. Vardanyan, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski
(KASCADE Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D71, 072002 (2005); (hep-ph/0503218)

Detection of Atmospheric Radio Flashes from Cosmic Rays

H. Falcke, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, L. Bähren, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, M. Bertaina, P.L. Biermann, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, S. Buitink, M. Brüggemann, P. Buchholz, H. Butcher, A. Chiavassa, K. Daumiller, A.G. de Bruyn, C.M. de Vos, F. Di Pierro, P. Doll, R. Engel, H. Gemmeke, P.L. Ghia, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, A. Horneffer, T. Huege, K.-H. Kampert, G.W. Kant, U. Klein, Y. Kolotaev, Y. Koopman, O. Krömer, J. Kuijpers, S. Lafebre, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, B. Mitrica, C. Morello, G. Navarra, S. Nehls, A. Nigli, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, S. Over, H.J. Pepping, M. Petcu, J. Petrovic, S. Plewnia, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Roth, H. Schieler, G. Schoonderbeek, O. Sima, M. Stümpert, G. Toma, G.C. Trinchero, H. Ulrich, S. Valchierotti, J. Van Buren, W. van Capellen, W. Walkowiak, A. Weindl, S. Wijnholds, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, J.A. Zensus, D. Zimmermann (LOPES Collaboration)
Nature 435, 19. May 2005, p313

Search for extraterrestrial point sources of high energy neutrinos with AMANDA-II using data collected in 2000-2002

M. Ackermann, J. Ahrens, X. Bai, R. Bay, M. Bartelt, S.W. Barwick, T. Becka, K.H. Becker, J.K. Becker, E. Bernardini, D. Bertrand, D.J. Boersma, S. Böser, O. Botner, A. Bouchta, O. Bouhali, J. Braun, C. Burgess, T. Burgess, T. Castermans, D. Chirkin, B. Collin, J. Conrad, J. Cooley, D.F. Cowen, A. Davour, C. De Clercq, T. DeYoung, P. Desiati, P. Ekström, T. Feser, T.K. Gaisser, R. Ganugapati, H. Geenen, L. Gerhardt, A. Goldschmidt, A. Groß, A. Hallgren, F. Halzen, K. Hanson, D. Hardke, R. Hardtke, T. Harenberg, T. Hauschildt, K. Helbing, M. Hellwig, P. Herquet, G.C. Hill, J. Hodges, D. Hubert, B. Hughey, P.O. Hulth, K. Hultqvist, S. Hundertmark, J. Jacobsen, K.H. Kampert, A. Karle, J. Kelley, M. Kestel, G. Kohnen, L. Köpke, M. Kowalski, M. Krasberg, K. Kuehn, H. Leich, M. Leuthold, I. Liubarsky, J. Lundberg, J. Madsen, P. Marciniewski, H.S. Matis,  C.P. McParland, T. Messarius, Y. Minaeva, P. Miocinovic, R. Morse, K. Münich, R. Nahnhauer, J.W. Nam, T. Neunhöffer, P. Niessen, D.R. Nygren, H. Ögelman, Ph. Olbrechts, C. Pérez de los Heros, A.C. Pohl, R. Porrata, P.B. Price, G.T. Przybylski, K. Rawlins, E. Resconi,  W. Rhode, M. Ribordy, S. Richter, J. Rodrìguez Martino, H.G. Sander, K. Schinarakis, S. Schlenstedt, D. Schneider, R. Schwarz, A. Silvestri, M. Solarz, G.M. Spiczak, C. Spiering, M. Stamatikos, D. Steele, P. Steffen, R.G. Stokstad, K.H. Sulanke,  I. Taboada, O. Tarasova, L. Thollander, S. Tilav, W. Wagner, C. Walck, M. Walter, Y.R. Wang, C. Wendt, C.H. Wiebusch, R. Wischnewski, H. Wissing, K. Woschnagg, G. Yodh (AMANDA Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D71, 077102 (2005)

Flux limits on ultra high energy neutrinos with AMANDA-B10

M. Ackermann et al., (AMANDA Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 22 (2005) 339-353


Cosmic Ray Energy Spectra and Mass Composition at the Knee – Recent Results from KASCADE –

K.H. Kampert, T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, M. Bertaina, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, F. Fessler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, S. Plewnia, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, M. Stümpert, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, J. Van Buren, A. Vardanyan, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, S. Zagromski (KASCADE Collaboration)
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 136 (2004) 273-281; astro-ph/0410559

Search for Neutrino Induced Cascades with AMANDA

M. Ackermann, J. Ahrens, H. Albrecht, X. Bai, R. Bay, M. Bartelt, S.W. Barwick, T. Becka, K.H. Becker, J.K. Becker, E. Bernardini, D. Bertrand, D.J. Boersma, S. Böser, O. Botner, A. Bouchta, O. Bouhali, J. Braun, C. Burgess, T. Burgess, T. Castermans, D. Chirkin, B. Collin, J. Conrad, J. Cooley, D.F. Cowen, A. Davour, C. De Clercq, T. DeYoung, P. Desiati, P. Ekström, T. Feser, T.K. Gaisser, R. Ganugapati, H. Geenen, L. Gerhardt, A. Goldschmidt, A. Groß, A. Hallgren, F. Halzen, K. Hanson, R. Hardtke, T. Harenberg, T. Hauschildt, K. Helbing, M. Hellwig, P. Herquet, G.C. Hill, J. Hodges, D. Hubert, B. Hughey, P.O. Hulth, K. Hultqvist, S. Hundertmark, J. Jacobsen, K.H. Kampert, A. Karle, J. Kelley, M. Kestel, L. Köpke, M. Kowalski, M. Krasberg, K. Kuehn, H. Leich, M. Leuthold, I. Liubarsky, J. Madsen, K. Mandli, P. Marciniewski, H.S. Matis,  C.P. McParland, T. Messarius, Y. Minaeva, P. Miocinovic, R. Morse, K. Münich, R. Nahnhauer, J.W. Nam, T. Neunhöffer, P. Niessen, D.R. Nygren, H. Ögelman, Ph. Olbrechts, C. Pérez de los Heros, A.C. Pohl, R. Porrata, P.B. Price, G.T. Przybylski, K. Rawlins, E. Resconi,  W. Rhode, M. Ribordy, S. Richter, J. Rodrìguez Martino, H.G. Sander, K. Schinarakis, S. Schlenstedt, T. Schmidt, D. Schneider, R. Schwarz, A. Silvestri, M. Solarz, G.M. Spiczak, C. Spiering, M. Stamatikos, D. Steele, P. Steffen, R.G. Stokstad, K.H. Sulanke,  I. Taboada, L. Thollander, S. Tilav, W. Wagner, C. Walck, M. Walter, Y.R. Wang, C.H. Wiebusch, R. Wischnewski, H. Wissing, K. Woschnagg, G. Yodh (AMANDA Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 22 (2004) 127-138; astro-ph/0405218

Properties and performance of the prototype instrument for the Pierre Auger Observatory

J. Abraham et al. (Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A523 (2004) 50-95

Cosmic rays in the ‚knee’ region – Recent results from KASCADE –

K.H. Kampert, T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, M. Bertaina, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, M. Brüggemann, P. Buchholz, C. Büttner, A. Chiavassa, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, F. Fessler, P.L. Ghia, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, H.O. Klages, Y. Kolotaev, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, C. Morello, M. Müller, G. Navarra, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, S. Plewnia, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, M. Stümpert, T. Thouw, G.C. Trinchero, H. Ulrich, S. Valchierotti, J. Van Buren, A. Vardanyan, W. Walkowiak, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, S. Zagromski (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Acta Phys. Polon. B35 (2004) 1799-1812; astro-ph/0405608

Energy Spectra and Chemical Composition of Cosmic Rays in the PeV Region

K.H. Kampert, T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, M. Bertaina, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, M. Brüggemann, P. Buchholz, C. Büttner, A. Chiavassa, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, F. Fessler, P.L. Ghia, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, H.O. Klages, Y. Kolotaev, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, C. Morello, M. Müller, G. Navarra, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, S. Plewnia, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, G.C. Trinchero, H. Ulrich, S. Valchierotti, J. Van Buren, A. Vardanyan, W. Walkowiak, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, S. Zagromski (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Thinking, Observing, and  Mining the Universe, Sorrento (Italy), 22.-27.9. 2003, Eds. G. Miele and G. Longo, World Scientific 2004, ISBN 981-238-688-2, p. 209 - 216

The Primary Proton Spectrum of Cosmic Rays measured with Single Hadrons at Ground  Level

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, J. van Buren, A. Vardanyan, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski (KASCADE Collaboration)
Astrophys. J. 612 (2004) 914-920, astro-ph/0406614

Search for cosmic-ray point sources with KASCADE

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, J. van Buren, A. Vardanyan, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski (KASCADE Collaboration)
Astrophys. J. 608 (2004) 865; astro-ph/0402656

Large scale cosmic-ray anisotropy with KASCADE

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, A. Risse, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, J. van Buren, A. Vardanyan, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski (KASCADE Collaboration)
Astrophys. J. 604 (2004) 687


The Chemical Composition of Cosmic Rays

K.-H. Kampert
Conference Proceedings Vol. 85 „Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics“, F. Giovanneli and G. Mannochi (Eds.), SIF, Bologna, 2003, p.485-493

Preparation of enriched cosmic ray mass groups with KASCADE

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, A. Iwan, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, A. Vardanyan, J.H. Weber, A. Weindl, J. Wentz, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski (KASCADE Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 19 (2003) 715-728; astro-ph/0303070

The Slow Control System of the AUGER Fluorescence detectors

N. Barenthin, C. Bethge, K. Daumiller, K.-H. Kampert, C. Wiebusch
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2003), Tsukuba, Japan, 31.7.-7.8.2003, p. 895

LOPES: Detecting radio emission from cosmic ray air showers

A. Horneffer, H. Falcke, A. Haungs, K.-H. Kampert, G.W. Kant, H. Schieler
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2003), Tsukuba, Japan, 31.7.-7.8.2003, p. 696

The Cosmic-Ray Experiment KASCADE

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, A. Iwan, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, A. Vardanyan, J.H. Weber, A. Weindl, J. Wentz, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, S. Zagromski (KASCADE Collaboration)
Nucl. Instr. & Meth. 513 (2003) 490-510

Status of the KASCADE-Grande Experiment

K.H. Kampert, T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, M. Bertaina, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, A. Chiavassa, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, J. Engler, F. Feßler, P.L. Ghia, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, A. Iwan, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, D. Martello, J. Milke, C. Morello, M. Müller, G. Navarra, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Roth, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, G.C. Trinchero, H. Ulrich, R. Ulrich, J.H. Weber, A. Weindl, J. Wentz, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, S. Zagromski (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Procedings to XII International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic ray Interactions, CERN, July 2002; Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 122C (2003) 422-426

Measurements of Attenuation and Absorption Lengths with the KASCADE Experiment

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, R. Engel, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, A. Iwan, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, M. Müller, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, A. Vardanyan, J.H. Weber, A. Weindl, J. Wentz, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski  (KASCADE Collaboration)
Astropart. Phys. 19 (2003) 703-714; astro-ph/0303036

The Pierre Auger Obervatory and its Fluorescence Detector

S. Argirò for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 125 (2003) 230-235

The information from muon arrival time distributions of high energy EAS as measured with the KASCADE detector

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, H. Blümer, H.  Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, A. Iwan, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, J.H. Weber, A. Weindl, J. Wentz, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski (KASCADE Collaboration)
Astroparticle Physics 18 (2003) 319-331


A non-parametric approach to infer the energy spectrum and mass composition of cosmic rays

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, K. Bernlöhr, H. Blümer, E. Bollmann, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, W. Hafemann, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, T. Holst, K.H. Kampert, J. Kempa, H.O. Klages, J. Knapp, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, D. Mühlenberg, M. Müller, J. Oehlschläger, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, A. Vardanyan, B. Vulpescu, J.H. Weber, J. Wentz, T. Wiegert, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, S. Zagromski (KASCADE Collaboration)
Astroparticle Physics 16 (2002) 245-263; astro-ph/0102433

Muon Density Measurements with the KASCADE Central Detector

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, K. Bernlöhr, H. Blümer, E. Bollmann, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, A. Haungs, D. Heck, T. Holst, J.R. Hörandel, K.H. Kampert, J. Kempa, H.O. Klages, J. Knapp, K.U. Köhler, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, J. Oehlschläger, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, J. Scholz, S.H. Sokhoyan, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, B. Vulpescu, J.H. Weber, J. Wentz, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, S. Zagromski (KASCADE Collaboration)
Astroparticle Physics 16 (2002) 373-386; astro-ph/0103363

The Physics of the Knee in the Cosmic Ray Spectrum

K.-H. Kampert, T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercucci, H.  Blümer, E. Bollmann, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, A. Haungs, D. Heck, T. Holst, J.R. Hörandel, A. Iwan, J.  Kempa, H.O. Klages, J. Knapp, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Risse, M. Roth, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, B. Vulpescu, J.H. Weber, J. Wentz, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, S. Zagromski (KASCADE Collaboration)
Proceedings of ICRC 2001, Volume: „ Invited, Rapporteur, and Highlight talks of ICRC 2001“, p240 - p249, astro-ph/0204205

Muon tracking detector for the air shower experiment KASCADE

P. Doll, W. Bartl, C. Büttner, K. Daumiller, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, D. Martello, R. Obenland, L. Pentchev, J. Zabierowski
Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A488 (2002) 517-535

The Composition of Cosmic Rays at the Knee

S.P. Swordy, L.F. Fortson, J. Hinton, J. Hörandel, J. Knapp, C.L. Pryke, T. Shibata, S.P. Wakely, Z. Cao, M.L. Cherry, S. Couto, J. Cronin, R. Engel, J.W. Fowler, K.-H. Kampert, J. Kettler, D.B. Kieda, J. Matthews, S.A. Minik, A. Moiseev, D. Müller, M. Roth, A. Sill, G. Spiczak
Astroparticle Physics 18 (2002) 129-150, astro-ph/0202159

Status of the KASCADE-Grande Experiment

K.H. Kampert, T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, M. Bertaina, H. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, A. Chiavassa, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, J. Engler, F. Feßler, P.L. Ghia, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, A. Iwan, H.O. Klages, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, D. Martello, J. Milke, C. Morello, M. Müller, G. Navarra, R. Obenland, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Roth, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, G.C. Trinchero, H. Ulrich, R. Ulrich, J.H. Weber, A. Weindl, J. Wentz, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, S. Zagromski (KASCADE-Grande Collaboration)
Proccedings to XII International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic ray Interactions, CERN, July 2002

The Chemical Composition of Cosmic Rays

K.H. Kampert
Proccedings to the Vulcano Workshop 2002, Frontiers of Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Vulcano (Italy), May 2002


Localized charged neutral fluctuations in 158AGeV 208Pb + 208Pb Collisions

M.M. Aggarwal et al., (WA98 Collaboration),
Phys. Rev. C64 (2001) 011901; nucl-ex/0012004

Electron, Muon, and Hadron Lateral Distributions Measured in Air-Showers by the KASCADE Experiment

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, K. Bernlöhr, H. Blümer, E. Bollmann, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P.  Doll, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, W. Hafemann, A. Haungs, D. Heck, T. Holst, J.R. Hörandel, K.H. Kampert, J. Kempa, H.O. Klages, J. Knapp, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, D. Mühlenberg, J. Oehlschläger, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, F.K.  Schmidt, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, A. Vardanyan, B. Vulpescu, J.H. Weber, J. Wentz, T. Wiegert, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, (KASCADE Collaboration)
Astroparticle Physics 14 (2001) 245-260

Time  Structure of the EAS Muon Component measured by the KASCADE Experiment

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, K. Bernlöhr, H. Blümer, E. Bollmann, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P.  Doll, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, W. Hafemann, A. Haungs, D. Heck, T. Holst, J.R. Hörandel, K.H. Kampert, J. Kempa, H.O. Klages, J. Knapp, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, D. Mühlenberg, J. Oehlschläger, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, F.K.  Schmidt, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, A. Vardanyan, B. Vulpescu, J.H. Weber, J. Wentz, T. Wiegert, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, (KASCADE Collaboration)
Astroparticle Physics 15 (2001) 149

Scaling of particle and transverse energy production in 158AGeV 208Pb + 208Pb Collisions at 158 AGeV

M.M. Aggarwal et al., (WA98 Collaboration),
Eur. Phys. J. C18 (2001) 651-663, nucl-ex/0012004

Methods of Determination of the Energy and Mass of Primary Cosmic Ray Particles at Extensive Air Shower Energies

K.-H. Kampert,
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 27 (2001) 1663-1673, astro-ph/0101283

Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics

K.-H. Kampert,
Proc. Symposium on Fundamental Issues in Elementay Matter (2000) 193-204, ISBN 963 00 5764 6, © 2001 EP Systema, Debrecen; astro-ph/0101331

Cosmic Rays in the Energy Range of the Knee -- Recent Results from KASCADE --

K.-H. Kampert et al., KASCADE Collaboration,
Proceedings of the „XXX International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics“, Tihany, Hungary, 9-15.10.2000, World Scientific (2001), ISBN 981-02-4655-2, 235-243; astro-ph/0102266

Test of hadronic interaction models in the forward region with KASCADE event rates

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, F. Badea, K. Bekk, A. Bercuci, K. Bernlöhr, H. Blümer, E. Bollmann, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, C. Büttner, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, T. Holst, A. Iwan, K.H. Kampert, J. Kempa, H.O. Klages, J. Knapp, G. Maier, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, M. Müller, J. Oehlschläger, S.S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, H. Rebel, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, J. Scholz, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, J. Unger, B. Vulpescu, J.H. Weber, J. Wentz, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, S. Zagromski   (KASCADE Collaboration)
J. Phys. G27 (2001) 1785-1798

The energy spectrum and composition of cosmic rays

K.H. Kampert, H. Rebel, M. Roth
Nachr. Forsch. Zentr. Karlsruhe 33 (2001) 103-112


Die Suche nach den Quellen der kosmischen Strahlung

Hans Blümer und Karl-Heinz Kampert
Physikalische Blätter, Heft 3 März 2000, 39-45

Delta++ production in 158 A-GeV 208Pb + 208Pb interactions at the CERN SPS

M.M. Aggarwal et al., (WA98 Collaboration)
Phys. Lett. B477 (2000) 37-44

Central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV/c studied by pi+ pi- interferometry

M.M. Aggarwal et al., (WA98 Collaboration),
Eur. Phys. J. C16 (2000) 445-451

Three-Pion Interferometry Results from Central Pb+Pb Collisions at 158 AGeV

M.M. Aggarwal et al., (WA98 Collaboration),
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 2895

Observation of Direct Photons in Central 158AGeV 208Pb + 208Pb Collisions

M.M. Aggarwal et al., (WA98 Collaboration),
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 3595

Large muon tracking detector in the air shower experiment KASCADE

I. Atanasov, W. Bartl, H. Bastian, C. Büttner, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, B. Hoffmann, H. Hucker, K.H. Kampert, H. Kern, H.O. Klages, P. Kleinwächter, D. Martello, L. Pentchev, J. Rachowski, F.K. Schmidt, G. Rabsch, G. Scheif, H. Skacel, J. Zabierowski
FZKA-6474 (Sept. 2000) 49 pages, ISSN 0947-8620


First Results from the KASCADE Air Shower Experiment

K.H. Kampert et al., (KASCADE Collaboration)
Proceedings to the Second International Workshop on "New Worlds  in Astroparticle Physics", University of the Algarve, Faro (Portugal), September 1998, Eds.: A.M. Mourão, M. Pimenta, P. Sá, World Scientific 1999, page 197-202

Freeze out parameters in central 158 A-GeV Pb-208 + Pb-208 collisions

M.M. Aggarwal et al., (WA98 Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 926-930

Systematics of inclusive photon production in 158-A·GeV Pb induced reactions on Ni, Nb, and Pb targets

M.M. Aggarwal et al., (WA98 Collaboration)
Phys. Lett. B458 (1999)  422-430.

Test of high-energy interaction models using  the hadronic core of EAS

T. Antoni, W.D. Apel, K. Bekk, K. Bernlöhr, E. Bollmann, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, J. Engler, F. Feßler, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, R. Haeusler, W. Hafemann, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J. Hörandel, T. Holst, K.H. Kampert, H.O. Klages, J. Knapp, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, J. Milke, D. Mühlenberg, J. Oehlschläger, H. Rebel, M. Risse, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, F.K. Schmidt, T. Thouw, H. Ulrich, J. Unger, J.H. Weber, J. Wentz, T. Wiegert, D. Wochele, J. Wochele, J. Kempa, T. Wibig, J. Zabierowski, F. Badea, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, M. Petcu, B. Vulpescu, A. Chilingarian, A. Vardanyan, (KASCADE Collaboration)
J. Phys. G25 (1999) 2161-2175.

The KASCADE Air Shower Experiment - Composition Analyses and Energy Spectrum

K.H. Kampert et al., (KASCADE Collaboration)
Proceedings to the 26th Int. Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC99), Salt-Lake City (UT), UT, 17-25 Aug 1999, Eds. D. Kieda et al., Vol. 3, p159 (1999)

Elliptic emission of K+ and pi+ in 158 A·GeV Pb + Pb collisions

M.M. Aggarwal et al., (WA98 Collaboration)
Phys. Lett. B469 (1999) 30-36


Multiplicity and Pseudorapidity Distribution of Photons  in S+Au Reactions at 200 AGeV

M. Aggarwal et al, (WA93 Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. C58 (1998) 1146-1154

Search for Disoriented Chiral Condensates in 158 AGeV Pb+Pb Collisions

M.M. Aggarwal et al, (WA98 Collaboration)
Phys. Lett. B420 (1998) 169-179

Das Energiespektrum der primären Höhenstrahlung

K.H. Kampert und R. Glasstetter
FZK Nachrichten, Jahrgang 30 • 1/98, Seite 18-26

A 16 Channel VLSI Chip containing Charge Amplifier and Analog-to-Digital Converter for Readout of Highly Granular Particle Detectors

C. Barlag, L. Carlen, K. E. Chenawi, S. Garpman, H.A. Gustafsson, S. Gustafsson, N. Heine, K.H. Kampert, S. Louw, H. Löhner, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Reygers, E. Stenlund, T. Svensson, R. Sundblad, K. Soderstrom, L. Osterman
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A406 (1998) 299-306

Transverse momentum distributions of neutral pions from nuclear collisions at 200 AGeV

R. Albrecht, V. Antonenko, T.C. Awes, C. Barlag, M.A. Bloomer, C. Blume, D. Bock, R. Bock, E.M. Bohne, D. Bucher, A. Claussen, G. Clewing, A. Eklund, S. Fokin, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, F. Geurts, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, G. Hölker, J. Idh, M. Ippolitov, P. Jacobs, R. Kamermans, K.H. Kampert, K. Karadjev, B.W. Kolb, A. Lebedev, H. Löhner, I. Lund, V. Manko, S. Nikolaev, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, K. Söderstrom, S.P. Sørenson, P. Stankus, K. Steffens, P. Steinhaeuser, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, C. Twenhöfel, A. Vinogradov, and G.R. Young
Eur. Phys. J. C5 (1998) 255-267.

Centrality Dependence of Neutral Pion Production in 158-A/GeV Pb-208 + Pb-208 Collisions

M. Aggarwal et al., (WA98 Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 4087-4091 Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 578-579

Astroteilchenphysik mit Riesenschritten voran

K.H. Kampert
UniKATH 3/98, Zeitschrift der Universität Karlsruhe

The KASCADE Experiment: Status and Physics Overview

K.H. Kampert et al., (KASCADE Collaboration)
Proceedings to the 16th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (Alcala/Spain) 1998.


Soft Photon Production in central 200 GeV/Nucleon 32S+Au Collisions

M. Aggarwal et al, (WA93 Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 1160-1163

Event by Event Measurements of <pT> of Photons in S+Au Collisions at 200 AGeV

M. Aggarwal et al, (WA93 Collaboration)
Phys. Lett. B404 (1997) 207-212

Azimuthal Anisotropy in S+Au Reactions at 200 AGeV

M. Aggarwal et al, (WA93 Collaboration)
Phys. Lett. B403 (1997) 390-396

First Results from the KASCADE Experiment

K.H. Kampert, W.D. Apel, K. Bekk, E. Bollmann, H. Bozdog, I.M. Brancus, M. Brendle, A. Chilingarian, K. Daumiller, P. Doll, J. Engler, M. Föller, P. Gabriel, H.J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J. Hörandel, H. Keim, J. Kempa, H.O. Klages, J. Knapp, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, H.H. Mielke, D. Mühlenberg, J. Oehlschläger, M. Petcu, U. Raidt, H. Rebel, M. Roth, G. Schatz, H. Schieler, G. Schmalz, H.J. Simonis, T. Thouw, J. Unger, B. Vulpescu, G.J. Wagner, J. Wdowczyk, J. Weber, J. Wentz, T. Wibig, T. Wiegert, D. Wochele, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, S. Zagromski, and B. Zeitnitz  (KASCADE Collaboration)
Published in "Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe", eds. Y. Giraud-Héraud, J. Tran Than Van, Edition Frontieres, p.405-410, ISBN 2-86332-217-6, 1997

Comment on: "Search for direct photons from S-Au collisions at 200 GeV/nucleon" by the CERES Collaboration

K.H. Kampert, T.C. Awes, P. Stankus, H.H. Gutbrod, V. Manko, T. Peitzmann, and R. Santo,
Z. Phys. C74  (1997) 587-591.


Azimuthal Correlations in the target fragmentation region of high energy nuclear collisions

T.C. Awes, D. Bock, R. Bock, G. Clewing, S.I.A. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, G. Hölker, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, Th. Lister, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, K. Steffens, P. Steinhaeuser, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, and G.R. Young
Phys. Lett. B381 (1996) 29-34.

Limits on the production of direct photons in 200 AGeV 32S+Au collisions

R. Albrecht, V. Antonenko, T.C. Awes, C. Barlag, F. Berger, M.A. Bloomer, C. Blume, D. Bock, R. Bock, E. Bohne, D. Bucher, G. Claesson, A. Claussen, G. Clewing, R. Debbe, L. Dragon, Y. Dubovik, A. Eklund, S. Fokin, A. Franz, S.I.A. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, O. Hansen, G. Hölker, J. Idh, M. Ippolitov, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, K. Karadjev, B.W. Kolb, A. Lebedev, H. Löhner, I. Lund, V. Manko, B. Moskowitz, S. Nikolaev, J. Nystrand, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M.L. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, B. Roters, S. Saini, R. Santo, H. Schlagheck, H.R. Schmidt, K. Soderstrom, S.P. Sørenson, P.W. Stankus, K. Steffens, P. Steinhaeuser, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, A. Vinogradov, H. Wegner, and G.R. Young
Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 3506-3509

A new monitoring system for the photon spectrometer LEDA in the WA98 experiment

T. Peitzmann, C. Barlag, C. Blume, E.M. Bohne, D. Bucher, A. Claussen, R. Glasow, N. Heine, K.H. Kampert, R. Santo, G. Schepers, H. Schlagheck, M. Schnittker, W. Verhoeven
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A376 (1996) 368-374


Production of eta-Mesons in 200 AGeV S+S and S+Au Reactions

R. Albrecht, V. Antonenko, T.C. Awes, C. Barlag, F. Berger, M.A. Bloomer, C. Blume, D. Bock, R. Bock, E. Bohne, D. Bucher, A. Claussen, G. Clewing, R. Debbe, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, S. Fokin,  S.I.A. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, O. Hansen, G. Hölker, J. Idh, M. Ippolitov, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, K. Karadjev, B.W. Kolb, A. Lebedev, H. Löhner, I. Lund, V. Manko, B. Moskowitz, S. Nikolaev, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M.L. Purschke, B. Roters, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, K. Soderstrom, S.P. Sørenson, P.W. Stankus, K. Steffens, P. Steinhaeuser, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, A. Vinogradov, H. Wegner, and G.R. Young
Phys. Lett. B361 (1995) 14-20

Bose Einstein correlations of soft pions in ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions

T.C. Awes, M.A. Bloomer, C. Blume, D. Bock, R. Bock, D. Bucher, G. Clewing, S.I.A. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, G. Hölker, J. Idh, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, H. Löhner, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M.L. Purschke, B. Roters, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, S.P. Sørenson, K. Steffens, P. Steinhaeuser, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, and G.R. Young
Z. Phys. C69 (1995) 67-76

Two-proton-correlations in the target fragmentation region of nuclear collisions at 200 AGeV

T.C. Awes, C. Barlag, F. Berger, M.A. Bloomer, C. Blume, D. Bock, R. Bock, E.M. Bohne, D. Bucher, A. Claussen, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, S.I.A. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, G. Hölker, J. Idh, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M.L. Purschke, B. Roters, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, S.P. Sørenson, K. Steffens, P. Steinhaeuser, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, and G.R. Young
Z. Phys. C65 (1995) 207-213


Intermittency and Correlations in 200 GeV/Nucleon S+S and S+Au Collisions

R. Albrecht, A. Antonenko, T.C. Awes,, F. Berger, M.A. Bloomer, D. Bock, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, S. Fokin, A. Franz, S.I.A. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, M. Hartig, X. He, G. Hölker, J. Idh, M. Ippolitov, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, K. Karadjev, B.W. Kolb, A. Lebedev, H. Löhner, I. Lund, V. Manko, S. Nikolaev, J. Nystrand, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M.L. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, B. Roters, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, K. Söderström, S.P. Sørenson, K. Steffens, P. Steinhaeuser, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, A. Vinogradov, and G.R. Young
Phys. Rev. C50 (1994) 1048-1064.

Thermal Photon and Neutral Meson Production in Nuclear Collisions at 200 AGeV

K.H. Kampert, R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Barlag, F. Berger, M. Bloomer, C. Blume, D. Bock, R. Bock, D. Bucher, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, R. Debbe, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, S. Fokin, S. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, O. Hansen, G. Hölker, J. Idh, M. Ippolitov, P. Jacobs, K. Karadjev, B.W. Kolb, A. Lebedev, H. Löhner, I. Lund, V. Manko, B. Moskowitz, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, B. Roters, R. Santo, S. Saini, H.R. Schmidt, K. Söderström, S.P. Sørenson, K. Steffens, P. Steinhaeuser, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, A. Vinogradov, H. Wegner, and G.R. Young
Proceedings of "2nd International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark-Gluon Plasma", 19.?23.1. 1993, Calcutta (India), Eds. B. Sinha et al.,  World Scientific 1994,
ISBN 981-02-1660-2, pg. 106-119

A high resolution BGO calorimeter with longitudinal segmentation

K.H. Kampert, E.M. Bohne, A. Claussen, F. Berger, D. Bock, R. Glasow, N. Heine, P. Mau, T. Peitzmann, M. Purschke, K. Steffens, and D. Stüken
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A349 (1994) 81-95

Electromagnetic Probes of Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter

K.H. Kampert,
Plenum Press, New York, Series B, Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter, Eds.  W. Greiner, H. Stöcker, and A. Gallmann, ISBN 0-306-44885-8, 1994, p. 23-27

Quark Matter

K.H. Kampert and L. Csernai
Cern Courier, October  1994, 19-22.


Target Fragmentation in Proton and Heavy-Ion Induced Reactions at High Energies

K.H. Kampert, R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, M.A. Bloomer, D. Bock, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, R. Ferguson, A. Franz, S.I.A. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, G. Hölker, J. Idh, P. Jacobs, B.W. Kolb, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M.L. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, B. Roters, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, S.P. Sørenson, P. Steinhaeuser, K. Steffens, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, and G.R. Young
Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 30 (1993) 171-180.

Production of slow singly charged fragments in 200 GeV/c hadron nucleus interactions

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, M.A. Bloomer, D. Bock, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, R. Ferguson, A. Franz, S.I.A. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, G. Hölker, J. Idh, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M.L. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, B. Roters, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, S.P. Sørenson, P. Steinhaeuser, K. Steffens, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, and G.R. Young
Z. Phys. C57 (1993) 37-42.

Emission of slow singly charged fragments in relativistic 16O-nucleus interactions

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, M.A. Bloomer, D. Bock, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, R. Ferguson, A. Franz, S.I.A. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, G. Hölker, J. Idh, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, H. Löhner, I. Lund, J. Nystrand, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M.L. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, B. Roters, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, K. Söderström, S.P. Sørenson, P. Steinhaeuser, K. Steffens, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, and G.R. Young
Phys. Lett. B307 (1993) 269-272


Multiplicity and Pseudorapidity Distributions of charged particles from 32S induced heavy-ion interactions at 200 AGeV

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, M.A. Bloomer, D. Bock, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, R. Ferguson, A. Franz, S.I.A. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, G. Hölker, J. Idh, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M.L. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, B. Roters, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, S.P. Sørenson, P. Steinhaeuser, K. Steffens, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, and G.R. Young
Z. Phys. C55 (1992) 539-548.

Recent Results from the WA80 Experiment at CERN

K.H. Kampert, R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, M.A. Bloomer, D. Bock, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, R. Debbe, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, R.L. Ferguson, S. Fokin, A. Franz, S. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, O. Hansen, M. Hartig, G. Hölker, J. Idh, M. Ippolitov, P. Jacobs, K. Karadjev, B.W. Kolb, A. Lebedev, H. Löhner, I. Lund, V. Manko, B. Moskowitz, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, B. Roters, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, R. Schmidt, S.P. Sørenson, K. Steffens, P. Steihaeuser, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, A. Vinogradov, H. Wegener, and G.R. Young
Nucl. Phys. A544 (1992) 183c-196c.

Particle identification in modular electromagnetic calorimeters

F. Berger, D. Bock, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, R. Glasow, G. Hölker, K.H. Kampert, T. Peitzmann, M. Purschke, B. Roters, S. Saini, R. Santo, K. Steffens, D. Stüken, and A. Twyhues
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A321 (1992) 152-164.

Bose-Einstein correlations in the target fragmentation region in 200 AGeV 16O+nucleus collisions

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, M.A. Bloomer, D. Bock, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, M. Hartig, G. Hölker, J. Idh, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, B. Roters, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, R. Schmidt, S.P. Sørenson, K. Steffens, P. Steihaeuser, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, M.L. Tincknell, A. Twyhues, and G.R. Young
Z. Phys. C53 (1992) 225-237.

Pion-source geometry deduced from soft-pion interferometry in heavy-ion collisions at 650 AMeV

R. Bock, K.G.R. Doss, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B. Kolb, I. Lund, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, and W. Wislicki
Z. Phys. A343 (1992) 293-299.


Upper Limit for Thermal Direct Photon Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions at 60 and 200 AGeV

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, D. Bock, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, G. Hölker, J. Idh, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, S.P. Sørenson, K. Steffens, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, M.L. Tincknell, and G.R. Young
Z. Phys. C51 (1991) 1-10.

Bose-Einstein Correlations in the Target Fragmentation Region of 200 AGeV 16O+Nucleus Collisions

K.H. Kampert, R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, G. Hölker, J. Idh, P. Jacobs, B.W. Kolb, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, S.P. Sørenson, K. Steffens, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, and G.R. Young,
Nucl. Phys. A525 (1991) 333c-338c.

Distributions of transverse energy and forward energy in 16O- and 32S-induced heavy-ion collisions at 60 and 200 AGeV

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpman, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, J. Idh, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund, M.L. Tincknell, and G.R. Young
Phys. Rev. C44 (1991) 2736-2752.


Transverse Energy Production in the Target Fragmentation Region in 16O-Nucleus Reactions at 60 and 200 AGeV

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, J. Idh, P. Jacobs, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund, M. Tincknell, and G.R. Young,
Z. Phys. C45 (1990) 529-537.

Rapidity Distributions of Ca+Ca, Nb+Nb, Ne+Au, and Au+Au at Bombarding Energies from 250 to 2100 MeV/Nucleon

H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, A.M. Poskanzer, H.G. Ritter, and H.R. Schmidt
Z. Phys. A337 (1990) 57-69.

Design and Performance of the SAPHIR Lead-Glass Calorimeter

H. Baumeister, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, N. Brummund, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, R. Glasow, D. Grzonka, W. Hassenmeier, K.H. Kampert, H. Löhner, T. Peitzmann, M. Purschke, R. Santo, W. Verhoeven, and R. Wienke
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A292 (1990) 81-96.

Squeeze-out of nuclear matter as a function of projectile energy and mass

H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B. Kolb, A.M. Poskanzer, H.G. Ritter, R. Schicker, and H.R. Schmidt,
Phys. Rev. C42 (1990) 640.

Transverse momentum distributions of neutral pions from central and peripheral 16O+Au collisions at 200 AGeV

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund, and G.R. Young
Z. Phys. C47 (1990) 367-375.


A New Component of the Collective Flow in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, A.M. Poskanzer, H.G. Ritter, and H.R. Schmidt
Phys. Lett. B216 (1989) 267.

Shock Compression of Hadronic Matter in High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions

K.H. Kampert,
J. Phys. G15 (1989) 691-740.

Collective Phenomena in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions: The Experimental Situation

K.H. Kampert,
pp. 287-321 in "Nuclear Matter and Heavy-Ion Collisions" , Eds. M. Soyeur, H. Flocard, B. Tamain, M. Porneuf, Plenum Press 1989, New York, Series B, Physics Vol. 205.

Fluctuations and Intermittency in 200 AGeV 16O + (C, Au) reactions

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, L. Dragon, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund and G.R. Young,
Phys. Lett. B221 (1989) 427-431.

Source Parameters deduced from Bose-Einstein Correlations of Two and Three Soft Pions in Symmetric Heavy-Ion Interactions at 650 AMeV

R. Bock, K.G.R. Doss, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, I. Lund, H.G. Ritter, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, and W. Wislicki,
Z. Phys. A333 (1989) 193.

Fragment Flow and Squeeze-Out of Hot Dense Nuclear Matter

K.H. Kampert, H.H. Gutbrod, J.W. Harris, B.V. Jacak, B.W. Kolb, A.M. Poskanzer, H.G. Ritter, H.R. Schmidt, and T. Siemiarczuk,
pp. 63-80 in "The Nuclear Equation of State; Part A" , Eds. Walter Greiner and Horst Stöcker, Plenum Press 1989, New York, Series B, Physics Vol. 216A.

Global and local fluctuations in multiplicity and transverse energy for central ultra-relativistic heavy-ion interactions

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, A. Eklund, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, J. Idh, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, S. Saini, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, K. Steffens, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, M. Tinknell, and G.R. Young
Z. Phys. C45 (1989) 31-37.


Collective Flow, Transverse Energy Production and the Equation of State of Nuclear Matter

K.H. Kampert,
pp. 95-106 in Proceedings to internatianal workshop on "Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations", ISSN 0720-8715, 1988

Multiplicity and Bombarding energy dependence of entropy in relativistic heavy ion collisions

K.G.R. Doss, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, D. Hahn, K.H. Kampert, B. Kolb, H. Löhner, A.M. Poskanzer, H.G. Ritter, H.R. Schmidt and H. Stöcker,
Phys. Rev. C37 (1988) 163.

Photon and Neutral Pion Distributions in 60 and 200 AGeV 16O+Nucleus Reactions

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, L. Dragon, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund and G.R. Young,
Phys. Lett. B201 (1988) 390-396.

Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at Ultrarelativistic Energies

K.H. Kampert, H.Å. Gustafsson, R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, L. Dragon, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.H. Gutbrod, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund and G.R. Young,
pp. 49-56 in Proceedings to  XXIIIrd Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arc, Savoie (France),  March 13-19, 1988, Current Issues in Hadron Physics, ISBN 2-86332-056-4.

Transverse momentum distributions of neutral pions from central and peripheral 16O+Au collisions at 200 AGeV

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, G. Clewing, L. Dragon, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund, and G.R. Young
Nucl. Phys. A488 (1988) 651.

Charged Particle Distributions in 16O induced Reactions at 60 and 200 AGeV

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, L. Dragon, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund and G.R. Young,
Phys. Lett. B202 (1988) 596-602.

Bose-Einstein correlations of positive pions in collisions of Nb+Nb and Au+Au at 650 AMeV

R. Bock, G. Claesson, K.G.R. Doss, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, H.G. Ritter, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, H. Wiemann and W. Wislicki,
Mod. Phys. Lett. A3 (1988) 1745.

Energy and Multiplicity Dependence of Fragment Flow in High Energy Nuclear Collisions

K.G.R. Doss, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, J. Harris, B.V. Jacak, K.H. Kampert, B. Kolb, A.M. Poskanzer, H.G. Ritter and H.R. Schmidt,
Mod. Phys. Lett. A3 (1988) 1323.

Transverse Energy Production in high energy Nuclear Collisions and the Equation of State of Nuclear Matter

K.G.R. Doss, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B. Kolb, H. Löhner, B. Ludewigt, A.M. Poskanzer, H.G. Ritter and H.R. Schmidt,
Mod. Phys. Lett. A3 (1988) 849.

Oxygen-induced reactions at 60 AGeV and 200 AGeV studied by calorimetry

S.P. Sørenson, R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, L. Dragon, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, E. Stenlund and G.R. Young,
Z. Phys. C38 (1988) 3-14.

Neutral transverse momentum spectra in 60 and 200 AGeV 16O+nucleus and proton+nucleus reactions

H. Löhner, R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, L. Dragon, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund and G.R. Young,
Z. Phys. C38 (1988) 97-103.

Charged particle spectra in 16O induced nuclear collisions at the CERN SPS

I. Lund, R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, L. Dragon, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund and G.R. Young,
Z. Phys. C38 (1988) 51-57.

Target fragmentation in proton-nucleus and 16O-nucleus reactions at 60 and 200 GeV/nucleon

H.R. Schmidt, R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, L. Dragon, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, R. Santo, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund and G.R. Young,
Z. Phys. C38 (1988) 109-115.

Oxygen induced reactions at 200 and 60 GeV/nucleon

H.R. Schmidt, R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, L. Dragon, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, J.W. Johnson, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, R. Santo, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund and G.R. Young,
Acta Phys. Pol. B19 (1988) 399-417.

Photon and pi0 Production in Nuclear Collisions at 60 and 200 AGeV

K.H. Kampert,
pp. 1362-1368 in Proceedings to XXIV International Conference on high Energy Physics (Rochester Conference), August 4-10, 1988, Eds. R. Kotthaus and J.H. Kühn, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New-York, ISBN 3-540-50361-7.

Nuclear Collective Flow: An Experimental Overview and New Phenomena

K.H. Kampert, H.H. Gutbrod, B.W. Kolb, A.M. Poskanzer, H.G. Ritter, and H.R. Schmidt,
pp. 279-286 in Hadronic Matter in Collision 1988", Eds. P. Caruthers and J. Rafelski, World Scientific 1989, ISBN 9971-50-849-4.


Isotopic-Yield Ratios of Complex Fragments from Intermediate-Energy Heavy-Ion Reactions

R. Wada, K.D. Hildenbrand, U. Lynen, W.F.J. Müller, H.J. Rabe, H. Sann, H. Stelzer, W. Trautmann, R. Trockel, N. Brummund, R. Glasow, K.H. Kampert, R. Santo, E. Eckert, J. Pochodzalla, I. Bock and D. Pelte,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 58 (1987) 1829.

Recoil effects in peripheral nucleus-nucleus collisions at E/A=84 MeV

H.J. Rabe, K.D. Hildenbrand, U. Lynen, W.F.J. Müller, H. Sann, H. Stelzer, W. Trautmann, R. Trockel, R. Wada, J. Pochodzalla, E. Eckert, P. Kreuz, A. Kühmichel, N. Brummund, R. Glasow, K.H. Kampert, R. Santo and  D. Pelte,
Phys. Lett. B196 (1987) 439.

Collectivity in Composite Fragment Emission from Relativistic heavy ion collisions

R. Bock, G. Claesson, K.G.R. Doss, B. Ferguson, I. Gavron, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, J.W. Harris, B.V. Jacak, K.H. Kampert, B. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, F. Lefebres, A.M. Poskanzer, H.G. Ritter, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, L. Teitelbaum, M. Tincknell, S. Weiss, H. Wieman and J. Wilhelmy,
Mod. Phys. Lett. A2 (1987) 721.

Evidence for Multiparticle Correlations in Heavy Ion Reactions

P. Beckmann, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B. Kolb, H. Löhner, A.M. Poskanzer, H.G. Ritter, H.R. Schmidt and T. Siemiarczuk,
Mod. Phys. Lett. A2 (1987) 169.

Collective Azimuthal Alignment in Relativistic Heavy Ion Reactions

P. Beckmann, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B. Kolb, H. Löhner, A.M. Poskanzer, H.G. Ritter, H.R. Schmidt and T. Siemiarczuk,
Mod. Phys. Lett. A2 (1987) 163.

Forward and Transverse Energy Distributions in Oxygen Induced Reactions at 60 AGeV and 200 AGeV

R. Albrecht, T.C. Awes, C. Baktash, P. Beckmann, F. Berger, R. Bock, G. Claesson, L. Dragon, R.L. Ferguson, A. Franz, S. Garpmann, R. Glasow, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, K.H. Kampert, B.W. Kolb, P. Kristiansson, I.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, I. Lund, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, T. Peitzmann, S. Persson, F. Plasil, A.M. Poskanzer, M. Purschke, H.G. Ritter, R. Santo, H.R. Schmidt, T. Siemiarczuk, S.P. Sørenson, E. Stenlund and G.R. Young,
Phys. Lett. B199 (1987) 297-303.

Fragment Flow in Nuclear Collisions

K.G.R. Doss, H.Å. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, J.W. Harris, B.V. Jacak, K.H. Kampert, B. Kolb, A.M. Poskanzer, H.G. Ritter, H.R. Schmidt, L. Teitelbaum, M.L. Tincknell, S. Weiss and H. Wiemann,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 59 (1987) 2720.

Correlated Fragment Production in 18O-induced Reactions at E/A=84 MeV

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Transverse Energy Production and the Equation of State of Nuclear Matter

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